Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Little Mermaid

Hi Kids, Daddy here. Well St Joesph School put out their annual musical and this year it was, "The Little Mermaid". The boys both wanted bigger parts and tried out and Jake nabbed the role of  a seagull and Alex snagged what I believe to be the best part in the whole play! The role of Sebastian! I called Texas Rob to tell him and he was super excited for Alex. And by super excited, I mean he said, "Well good for him." with that slow southern drawl that he has. Anyway, Mom got to see it twice and I got to see the special Friday night show and dinner. Most of the family was there for the big night. Grammie & Papa, Tia & Uncle PP, Grandma and Mom and I. Father George and even Bishop Soto were there too! Alex worked long and hard on his Jamaican accent and did such a great job with the accent and the part. We were so proud! You killed it, boy! Papa said after the show, "Man I can't take 2 steps without someone telling me how great he was." Jake just about stole the show as the highlight of all the gulls and his "Squuuaaaakkk." Mom and I had a great time and are so proud of you guys. We love you so much.


Seabass addresses king Triton

Alex as Sebastian

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hi Kids,
Daddy here. You know, sometimes when I update the Blog I have an important event to cover, like a birthday or anniversary or something (Mom and I celebrated #14 a few weeks back). But sometimes, just sometimes, we have an entry like today. The other night, nothing special was happening and I decided to shoot a little video. This :45 clip cracks me up soo much, because it's a such a great example of why this family is so great. Enjoy.

I love you guys,



Hi Kids,
Daddy here. You know, sometimes when I update the Blog I have an important event to cover, like a birthday or anniversary or something (Mom and I celebrated #14 a few weeks back). But sometimes, just sometimes, we have an entry like today. The other night, nothing special was happening and I decided to shoot a little video. This :45 clip cracks me up soo much, because it's a such a great example of why this family is so great. Enjoy.

I love you guys,


The Midway of Fun

Hi Kids,
Daddy here. After all that we've had going on latley it was time for some relaxation. What better a place to to do that than the annual Mansfield family tradition of.....The Midway of Fun!! It rained the whole time we were there, but we didn't let that stop up from having a blast! 
Awww Dad! It's all wet!!
SteveO is all set for the Flying Bobs!

Alex and Jake ran the Indiana Jones obstacle course about 1009987 times and loved it and started timing themselves. We had a great time, next year Iz will come with us! I love you guys,



Hi Kids,
Daddy here. In April, Daddy was asked by Father George to play Jesus in the Passion play at Church. I got a lot of very nice compliments from people. After the Passion play the next week was Holy Week and Daddy got confirmed and welcomed into the Catholic church, so no more folding me me either! We went to Church Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Lots of Church that week, lol. I love you guys.


Izzy's Nice Pictures

Hi Kids,
Daddy here. So we're getting ready to go for a walk the other day and I asked Izzy to take a nice picture for Tutu. Then, this happened.

Seriously!? Look at that tongue! Anyway, after we got to the park I insisted she take a nice photo and she sure did.

That's my girl. What a cutie. I love you guys.


Daddy's B-day

Hi Kids,
Daddy here. So a few weeks after Jake's birthday, daddy had another birthday. The last of the 30's came and went pretty unceremoniously, which is a-ok with daddy. As long as I've got you guys and mom around me on my birthday, all will be well (Blue Lantern). Although, I can't get through a whole post with no pic, so here's one of Izzy after she got a mosquito bite on her eye.
 Looks worse than is it, err was. Whatevs. I love you guys.


Monday, April 22, 2013

SteveO's Birthday again?

Hi Kids,
Daddy here. yep, once again it's time for StevO's b-day. He started off the day by drawing on a school shirt.
Next up was breakfast. Mama made birthday cake pancakes, sausage and eggs.

Then it was time for presents, and daddy found the elusive Thumpback and Eyebrawl Skylanders.

Happy Birthday Jake. I love you.



Hi Kids,
Daddy here. Well through some weird computer error, it looks like the last 3 months of posts got deleted. There was some awesome stuff that's happened to the Mansfield's in 2013 so far.
For the first time in a a few years, Daddy won the SuperBeard contest against Laird.

 Seriously, that's a sweet beard! Anyway, I'll get caught up over the next few posts. I love you guys.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Daddy's Day

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Ok so a few months back we got to celebrate Mother's Day for Mama, now it's my turn! I'm so thankful for you guys. You guys are the reason I get to celebrate today and once again with Mama's help you took good care of me. Check this out, how sweet is this?!

Thanks again. I love you guys,