Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Game 7

Hey kids,

Daddy here. So, last night the Giants played the Royals in game 7 of the World Series! In preparation for the game, the boys and I hadn't washed our Giants shirts since the postseason began. Suffice it to say, we were plenty stinky. As the game ws set to begin, we all took our spots, even mom and prepared for the game. Alex asked me earlier who I thought would win and I said, "It's game 7! Crazy things happen in game 7, I wouldn't be surprised if a cow ran across the field while on fire!" Spoiler alert: that did not happen.
After 2 innings, they were all tied up at,2. Mom wanted some pizza, so Al and I headed up to Papa Murphys and got the or new steak pizza. We paused the game when we left and I was proud of Mom that she didn't watch one pitch without us. We started the game back up with Pablo "Panda bear" Sandoval up at the plate.  He got a hit and Hunter Pence knocked him home and the Giants took 3-2 lead. At the end of the 5th inning, they brought in Madison Bumgarner,  who had just pitched a hell of a game 5. The Royals threw their best pitchers in and there were not many hits on either side. Finally, in the top of the 9th inning,  the Giants got their 3rd out with no more runs and a one run lead going into the bottom of the 9th. Game 7, bottom of the 9th, there can no more pressure.  Bumgarner gets to 2 outs and Alex Gordon is up. Silence fell over the house, we waited with baited breath for the last out and our chance to scream. After a few pitches, he hits a fly ball to left field.  Gregor Blanco misplayed the ball and it went past him. Juan Pérez kicked it and Gordon turned a short infield single into a triple! With the winning run at the plate, Sanchez,  the only guy to homer off Bumgarner the entire postseason is up. Bum pitches him high and at this point Mom, Al, Jake and I are about to have a heart attack. Sanchez pops up and the ball is foul, but easily catchable. Panda bear lines up underneath it.....AND MAKES THE CATCH. GIANTS WIN , GIANTS WIN. Their 3rd World Series win in 5 years. The boys rip off their shirts and run around the front yard screaming. What a thrilling finish.
After the game, Mom says, "Well, that, was exciting! " Hahaha. She watched the whole thing with us.
That has got to be one of my favorite sports memories of all time. I'm so glad I got to share it with you guys.
I love you guys,


Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall Festival

Hey kids,

Daddy here.  This year's Fall Festival was this weekend. Mama had catechesis class all day, so it was Daddy getting costumes ready while the boys did homework. Izzy and I went out to target to pick up all the stuff and found exactly what we were looking for: a Spiderman costume for Jake, a Ghostface costume for Al, add a kitty cat costume for Iz. We went home, picked up the boys, and headed to confession. After we cleansed our sins, we took moms car to get gas in it and go get something to eat. We decided since the Giants were playing in the World Series that night, to go over to San Francisco deli. We got two hot pastrami sandwiches and they were awesome! By the time we were ready to leave, it was absolutely pouring down rain. Undeterred, we headed over to the Fall Festival. Mackenzie's dad Corey and I worked the snow white booth for a while while we listened to the baseball game on the radio. You guys got tons of candy and had a great time. When Mom was done with her class, she join us and we partied for a few hours. After the fall festival was over, we headed home to watch the end of the Giants game and the Reagans joined us. After the Giants won, we switched over to the USC game. Jake asked who we were going for and I said, "We're going for whoever plays against USC. I would cheer for ebola before I cheer for USC." Utah ended up winning the game, so we loved it.
The next day, after church,  headed up to Cohasset for Violet's 2nd birthday party.

Oh, Uncle Seth
The boys and I played baseball in the backyard for a bit, and afterwards Jake and Izzy pushed Violet on the swing.

How cute is that?
So, all in all, it was another great weekend for the MansClan. I love you guys.
