Monday, March 28, 2016

Triduum and Easter

Hey kids,

Daddy here. We sure have been busy the last few days with the culmination of Holy Week and all. On Holy Thursday night, we went to Mass and I was asked to carry the canopy and the boys were alter servers. It's a beautiful celebration to commemorate the institution of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist as well as the institution of the Priesthood. Although, I was very nervous that I was gonna hit Fr Louie in the back of the head with the pole I was carrying because Gary Connoly didn't realize that I was that close to him, lol. It all worked out though, and I didn't smack him so that's good! We all went into the chapel and spent a few minutes with our Lord. On the way home, Al and I stopped to get pot pies since it was late, but we were STARVING! Jake had some ramen and we fell asleep watching Legends of Tomorrow.

Good Friday was up next. Mom, Jake and Iz had the day off but Al and I had a regular day. Al was unable to make it to the midday service (not technically a Mass, as Jesus is not there). So, I headed over and was pleased to see so many people at church for a noon service. The service was very somber and serious. All the decorations were gone and the church looked very bland and barren. That always speaks to me, because that's what our lives are without Jesus. Vacant and void without his Holy presence in our daily lives and we need to remember that when we are out in the world. I was not able to stay for the whole service so I had to jam after communion. Filled with joy for still receiving the sacrament I hauled myself back to work. As it was Good Friday, and the final Friday of Lent, not only did we have to abstain from meat, but we had to fast all day too.  As you can imagine, by dinner time we were starvin Marvin. Mom made us shrimp quesadillas. She takes such good care of us. I hope when you guys get older you realize how much Mom did and continues to do for all of us.

Holy Saturday morning, the boys and I had practice at 9am. Jake was an alter server and Al and I were set to do the 1st two readings for the Vigil mass. After we dropped Jake off at church and got suckered into doing a few things, we snuck out and went down to Heavenly Donuts and got some donuts. We went back to church just in time for our practice and met up with the other two readers. Scott and Kimmy. I tell you guys, Scott Schoffner is one of the few people who can constantly make me laugh. That guy cracks me up. We got all our parts down and headed home. We had to run a few errands but in no time, it was time to get ready for dinner. We have begun a new tradition which I love.  That of having dinner at Cattlemen's with the Warrens and the Palmers before the Vigil Mass. We all ate very well and just had a great time with our friends. We ended up talking a bit too long (shocker) and I took the kids to mass and the mom's followed a few minutes behind.  We got to church despite getting stuck by a train and got everyone where they needed to be in the nick of time.  This Mass has got to be my absolute favorite of the whole year. Not only do we get to welcome new members into our faith family, but we are experiencing the Resurrection again. How awesome is that?! Anyway, despite Fr George saying we were not allowed to fall asleep, Izzy still did. After Mass, he said she was forgiven, lol.

Sunday morning, I walked out to Mom with the scissors in my hand and told her she could have one cut of my beard. It's been a year since I trimmed it, and I love the way it looks. I am in the minority in that opinion. So Mom took a big ol chunk out of the beard and I got to trimming. When I came out of the bathroom with my new look, you guys all freaked out and told me I looked wierd, lol. Mom was happy with it though, so I guess I made the right choice. I can always grow it back......

Cleaned up and ready to go, we headed to River-view Country Club for the all you can eat brunch and to celebrate Great Grandma Dorthy's birthday. When we got there, we arrived just in time for the Easter Egg Hunt. There were roped off sections for the kids of different ages, so Iz took her place and the when the race began, she took off like a shot! She hunted and hunted and found way more than the other kids of her age. There were 3 extra special eggs somewhere in the grounds between all of the fields. As Al and I waited for Iz and Violet to get back, we saw her eyes get huge and she grabbed something off the grass and screamed, "I FOUND IT, I FOUND IT!!!" Yep, she found the last golden egg and got a big ol basket of Easter candy. I was so happy for you Iz. You did such a great job of finding the last one, we all cheered for you. That was awesome!

After the hunt, we went inside to eat. You know, I've never left a buffet and felt really good afterwards, so it's no surprise that I had too much meat and got a really bad stomach ache. I'm 42 years old, you'd think I would have learned some self control at this point. When the meal was done, we went back home to rest for a bit before heading to Grammie & Papa's to have more food and Easter fun. We ended up staying late and having a great time.

Easter is a time of rebirth, reflection and gratitude. I am so very grateful for Mom and you guys. I am also grateful for Jesus, that he would die on the cross for my sins. I'm also grateful for our wonderful family. I feel very blessed, and I hope you guys are equally blessed in your lives and are grateful for what  you have too. I love you guys,


Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend we went and saw Zootopia. It had lots of animal puns and was really good. Afterwards, mom and I went to Chico to have dinner with Sara and Dean. Mom had an awesome burger and I had a pastrami sandwich call the Pastrami Bomb. It was sooooo good. We made it back home by about 9 and hit the sack.

Sunday, we went to 9am Mass and Izzy and I read the second reading. I'm so proud of you, Izzy for being brave enough to get up there and read. It takes a lot of courage to do that. We headed home and had a lazy rainy day inside. It was totally awesome. We watched Return of the Jedi, we played a game of Monopoly and just enjoyed eachother's company. It was a great day. I love you guys,


Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Friday we celebrated 24 hours with the Lord. I wanted to be there at 3 am because I figured the priests had to be there, we we'd show our support and join them. I was very pleased that the boys decided to join me. We went to OLM and I was flabbergasted to see like 30 people there. I was very impressed! We all made our confession and went right back home to sleep. I very proud of you guys for going with me and showing the Lord some sacrifice. It meant a lot to me.

Saturday, we started cleaning the house because we are going to try to sell it again, come this spring. Nothing too exciting, but sometimes you gotta clean.

Sunday brought another great church adventure. Father George had asked Mary Jo and I if we would act out the woman at the well reading. Of course we said yes and had practiced many times. So, on Sunday we did our best. I think it went pretty well.  I'm always flattered when I'm asked to do these types of things for Church and am so glad to be able to share my gift. I hope you guys too enjoy sharing your wonderful gifts from the Lord to our parrish community.

After Mass, Grammie and Papa took us out for dinner to celebrate Mom and my birthday. We went to Puerto Vallarta and had an awesome time.

I love you guys,
