Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mary Poppins

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Every year, I look forward to the school's musical. The past few years Jake has an increasingly larger role. Daddy Warbucks, The King of Siam and this year, Mr. Banks in the schools presentation of Mary Poppins.

What a stud. Mom likes to go to every performance, but I usually only go on Friday night for the big show. We got a table right in the front this year after Mom had a few glasses of wine at a fundraiser and overbid. I have to honest tho, it was pretty great sitting right up front for Jake's final performance at St Joe's. That's kind of weird to think about. I can't believe that in the fall you'll be in High School! Anyway, on to the play. Josie worked so hard on her singing that she completely lost her voice! Amber Kelly was able to save the day tho and the play worked out great. The Foof played a beggar and a cute little bee.  We had blast and the whole family was there to celebrate Jake and Iz. It was awesome!

After the play, Jake was a little thirsty. We took many pics and gave lots of hugs and 'thank yous'.

 I can't believe it was the last play for Jake at St Joe's. I'm excited to see where your acting and singing takes you High School bud. i love you guys,


Avengers: Infinity War

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Sometimes, every once in a while, working at the radio station has its perks. This is one of those times. We have been watching Marvel movies for about 10 years now and ever since the first Avengers in 2012, we have been building up to this night.

Avengers : Infinity War comes out tomorrow, but we got a theater to rent out and gave away a bunch of tickets to the special sneak peak. Oh, and a few for us too. We got the chance to see The Force Awakens early and it was totally awesome. I can't wait for this. I'm so excited I can barley sit still in excitement for tonight! I love you guys,



Hey kids,
Daddy here. April 17th, 1999. That's the day Mom and I walked down the isle at St Joe's and tied the knot. At this point in my life, when I think about what happened before that date, it seems like remembering another life. I'm so very grateful for how my life has turned out so far. I love Mom with all my heart and can't ever imagine my life any differently. Since there was no birthday, Mom and I decided on where to go for dinner. We chose Sailing Boat Chinese since we love that place.

19 years with that beauty! Man, I am a lucky guy. Oh, and this was my fortune.

So hopefully that means my V.O. career will take off and I can buy myself a truck sometime soon! I love Mom so much and can't wait to make it another 19 and more. I love you guys,


Catching Up

Hey kids, Daddy here. The past few weeks have been full of fun. Mom loves to cook for us, but sometimes she goes big. How about a full fried chicken and mac an cheese, bacon green beans and mashed potatoes!

I needed the Foof to do a voice for me, so she and Mom came by the radio station and layed down their parts.

Al just may need some more old ratty clothes for working outside.

 Mom and I went to the Home Depot and saw this above the garden dept. Like, how did that get up there?!

We finally uncovered the pool and revealed the slimy, nastiness beneath. We have to be particularly careful when playing Bolo on the cement. SteveO thew one and get REALLY lucky.

One Saturday, when Mom and Mrs LeBlanc had a meeting, we took care of little dude for the day.

A few days later, Alex was driving home and we got rear ended! Stopped at the light at Win River and this old man ran into us.

Al freaked out like it was his fault, but nope! That was all the old guy. His insurance will pay for the whole thing. The next day, we headed over to the Reagans for some good company and good food.

The boys were underwhelmed by the conversation and kept to themselves.
You guys crack me up. I love you guys,


Easter 2018

Hey kids, Daddy here. Easter weekend is here again and the Bunny showed up!

 We actually got invited over to Tia and Uncle PP's house for brunch.

 We got to shoot some bugs with a salt gun and had a great time swimming and hanging with our family.  When we got home I went out back and took this picture.

Later, just after sunset the sky looks awesome, so I took another to see if it would come out.

I love where we live, and I love our family. I love you guys,


A New Chapter

Hey kids,
Daddy here. I've worked for the radio station for almost 16 years, and I'm growing more and more tired of working for someone else. So, with the help of Capt'n Chad and some voice coaching from Melissa, I'm going to start my voiceover career. I got my first delivery of stuff and put together a makeshift studio.

Yeah, that didn't work. I moved it out to the shed and it seems to be ok, sound wise. Now I just need to start grinding out the work.

In other news, Jake does a killer impression of the Boss Baby!

Me and the Foof hit Burrito Bandito.

And the Foof got to go on a school field trip.

Easter is right around the corner so I'm sure I'll have more to post then. I love you guys,


Saint Patrick's day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. One of my favorite holidays to celebrate is Saint Patrick's Day. It's a day where we remember the great life of Saint Patrick, who brought the Catholic faith to Ireland. In these troubled times we live in, it's more important than ever to turn our eyes to God, not away from. So on a day like today, we remember and hopefully have the same spirit of evangelism that he had.

Me and the Foof went to Dutch Bros to get her a drink since she had a gift card.

I did NOT realize how big a large was, that's my bad. Mom always makes us a great meal, but she goes big for St Pats.

I hope we remember to be kind and speak politely to our friends and family, and to all our Christian brothers and sisters. I love you guys,



Hey kids,
Daddy here. Can you believe it?! The Steve man is 14!!

February 16th is upon us again and so as per standard, we asked Jake where he wanted to go for dinner and no surprise, he chose Cattlemen's. He got $100 from Tutu and is continuing to save for his PC. Slow it down Jake, I can't believe you're this old! Anyway, I love you guys,


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Christmas 2017

Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's that time again. Time for the Ol Fat Man in red to pay a visit to the Mansfield house. As always, it was a big hit.

We spent some time at Grammie and Papa's. We got Papa a Dilly Dilly shirt but when we got there we saw that he already had one! Our was different enough that he kept both, lol.

The big guy was good to us this year and even got a us a trampoline!!

On New Year's Eve Mom passed out early and the Foof said she wanted to stay up with us boys. When she started getting sleepy I told her she could go to bed. She asked me to wake her up at midnight for the festivities.

Yeah, she didn't wake up.

After, we took what is quickly becoming our yearly trip to Ashland.

I love spending time with you guys and I look forward to more adventures soon. I love you,
