Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Steve-O!

Hi kids,
Daddy here. It's been a few weeks since I checked in with you guys. Let's see what's been happening in the Mansfield house in early 2012.
Well, Jake had to have a tooth pulled. Jakie, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It absoluteley broke my heart to see you in that much pain. I felt awful for you. I told you that it would not hurt because I thought they would numb it up completly and that was not the case. It can only get so numb before they have to go in with what is the scariest looking metal tool I have ever seen!  You were so brave and I am very proud of you for getting through that. Goob job dude.
Speaking of Jake, he also had a birthday! Our little Steve is now 8 years old. I can still remember the day you were born and all the stuff we had to do getting to the hospital, getting Alex to Grammie & Papas and such. I can't believe that was eight years ago. The family came over to celebrate with us and we had a party.
 Then, a few weeks later, Nathan and the Clickners came up for another round of partying for Jakie. We went to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island with Alenah, Jack, Nathan, Alex and Jake. Then we came back to the house for a scavenger hunt. Jake got a bunch of Lego Ninjago stuff and we built it down stairs together. I do love building legos with you Jake. You have such a creative mind, I just love hanging out with you. I'll post again soon. I love you guys,


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