Tuesday, April 17, 2012

13 years

Hi kids,
     Daddy here. Well today Mama and me celebrate our 13th anniversary. Waaay back in 1999 Mama and I got married. I still remember so much about that day and how it was one of the best days of my life.
     Alex is at West Camp this week and Jake is having a tough time. Last night, poor Steve-O cried himself to sleep in Alex's bed and this morning he wrote Alex a note:

     On Thursday we are going to go visit and we are all excited to see Alex again.
     We also went up and saw Jake's pen pal Mrs Siverly for Easter. Her and her husband, Gene, have been married for 71 years, so Mama and I have a looong way to go to catch them.  Here she is with Jake:

We also hit the annual Mansfield tradition of going to the "Midway of Fun" in the mall parking lot. Tutu always told me "Those rides WILL kill you." As it turns out, they are pretty fun. You guys rode this about 10 times. Jake was not feeling real good when we were leaving. Tooo much gravity.

We celebrated Easter too. Had a great Easter Sunday, went to church in the morning, hit the quick easter egg hunt at school before going to Grammie and Papas for the big ol basket/egg hunt and dinner. We are so very fortunate to have such a loving family.

Kool April Nites is in town this week, so I'm sure we'll have many more fun adventures. I'll check in soon. I love you guys.


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