Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well we went up to Seth & Jula's house for our annual Festivus celebration. We had big fun while we were there. We only had just arrived and Seth asked you guys wanted him to put up a zipline. To which you said, "HECK YES!!" Mama worried but I told her you'd be fine.

Ouch! Alex scrapped up his knees pretty good. But fear not, Jake would do it and be fine, right?

Ack, knot in the face! Well trust me, you guys shaped up and had a great weekend. We took Izzy shooting with us and even let her squeeze off a few rounds of Seth's gun. Although when she said, "I wanna shoot the big gun!" We did say no! On the way back to the house we saw a big mud puddle and told Seth to drive thru it, which of course he did. The second big puddle we saw was about 3 ft deep tho, and we got stuck for about 20 mins. No pics or video of this event exist, in case we had to deny it. I'll post again soon. I love you guys,


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