Monday, February 10, 2014


Hey Kids,
Daddy here. Well, I've been meaning to post for a loong time and just have not got around to it. I've missed a bunch of stuff, not the least of which is Christmas and New years, Al's b-day, new school year, Superbowl, and a million great photos. I'm making a new commitment in 2014 to post more often. So I'll just catch you up on where we are right now.  Just spent a lazy weekend inside since it was pouring rain and mama got sick, how not fair is that?! We are getting ready for the play this year, where Al will play CAPTAIN HOOK!!!! I'm sooo excited and proud of you big guy. You do such a great job every year in the school plays. Jake will be playing one of the lost boys, and I'm sure he'll steal his scenes, like always. And the dang ol stinky will be playing a junior fairy with her bestie, Mackenzie Reagan. Jake also has begun alter serving and has done a great job. Whoever said he'd burn down the church has been dead wrong (so far)! Anywho, you guys are such a joy for mom and me, even tho we seem stressed out all the time and sometimes don't seem that fun. Trust me when I say, we'd rather have things exactly the way they are than any other thing in the entire world. We love you guys so much. I'll post again soon......swear.

I love you guys,


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