Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hawaii pt 2

Aloha kids,

Daddy here. Day two in Hawaii and I woke up on Cali time so I took an early morning beach walk. I let you guys pick a day to walk alone with daddy on the beach and Izzy wanted the first walk. I wish I could freeze that moment in time and take that walk with her everyday. I love you and I love spending time with you so much Iz, I don't want you to grow up. But as you do, I hope you remember times like this becasuse I always will.

We walked and walked until Iz got a little too close to the ocean and got her shorts wet.

When we got back, we gave Tutu her birthday presents and sang for her.

Our view from the rear of the condo.

Day three, it was SteveO's turn for the walk.

And what would a walk with daddy and SteveO be, without a little shelf stompin....

I totally thought he was going to fall on his face, lol. After we got back from our walk, we headed out for our next adventure, a submarine ride!!

It was awesome, accept for the part when Alex farted in the sub, who does that?! After the sub ride, we took a stroll around Lahaina.

 We went to a new place for lunch, and had an absolutely excellent time, the burger Al I got was called the western. Sooooo good. Back to our condo and more relaxing. I love this place. I love you guys.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hawaii pt1

Hi kids,
Daddy here. When Grandpa was still alive, one of the things he always loved was Hawaii. When he died, he took very good care of Tutu, which is one of the reasons she was able to move there. She, in turn, has also been very kind and generous to us. This year we made another trip to Hawaii. We've been so many times now, I begin to loose count. I tell mom every time we go there, it gets harder and harder to come home. Our flight left at around 10 in the morning from Sac, so we had to get up early and head to the airport. We finally got on the plane and were crazy excited!

We got all check in at our favorite condo, the Kamaole sands and proceeded to hit the beach and chill.
Beach fun

Yep, a rough day to be sure. Haha. Back to Kamaole and grab a bite to eat before we tackle another day in Paradise. Aloha Au Ia 'Oe,


It had to happen....

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Well, we are about to head to Hawaii for the 523rd time and since we are going to be there for Al's birthday we head tonight to Grammie & Papa's for a little celebration. Al wanted ribs for his dinner of choice, so ribs were served.
It was also the first willing picture Violet took with me. Woot!

 After dinner and silliness, Al opened his presents.

 Violet just sat there being cute.

 It was another awesome celebration at Grammie & Papa's house. Save for one thing, this....
 Seth gave Jake and Al a 30 second safety lecture on the new mini bike. Apparently it was not quite long or informative enough, as evidenced by Jake getting the gas a brake confused. He decided, after loosing control of the bike, to jump off. Good call SteveO. Had you rolled around with the bike during the crash, you could have been hurt a lot worse. Seriously though, the day before we leave for Hawaii?! How Jake is that? Haha. Anyway, we'll rub some dirt on it and he'll be fine, he's tough. I love you guys,



Hi kids,
Daddy here. It is time once again to celebrate America and the 4th of July holiday with Doc and Yaya and the Clickner Clan. First things first, mom had to make Izzy's hair festive enough for America...

 The princess is pleased. Moving on, down to Oroville we head for the party after a quick (read not-so quick) stop at Walmart for beer and whipped cream (not pictured). Yes, we had to stop at Walmart on the 4th of July to buy beer, /sigh. Anyway, after a day of fun, swimming, food and good company, it was time for the big event. The pie or dare contest. We all drew numbers and when your number was called, you could do the dare, or take a whipped cream pie to the face. No one took the dare, cept the wives. We all took pies to the face, to the delight of everyone. It was awesome. Happy birthday America.

Al prepares himself for a pieing.

Not prepared.

Greg the pie man and Nathan the lunatic.

How appropriate, Mom gets to pie Jake.

Nathan and Al help Jake out

Lookin good SteveO

I don't care who you are, that's just good fun. I love you guys,


Marina's Baptism

Hi kids,
Daddy here. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is that of the sacraments. I feel blessed to be able to take part in them either as a participant or as a spectator. In this case, we were spectators for the baptism of little baby Marina Palmer. Father George did the baptism and it was awesome. Father George is a great pastor and we are very lucky to have him.

After the baptism, we went to Mike's mom and dad's house for t a big ol party. Another great time spent with the great people in our lives. I love you guys,


Izzy's Finger

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Well it's been a while since the finger incident and I wanted to let you know that our little soldier came through her process just fine. She's very tough and she did great. She got to keep the fingertip and it looks totally normal. Just another amazing moment in an amazing life. I love you guys,
