Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hawaii pt 2

Aloha kids,

Daddy here. Day two in Hawaii and I woke up on Cali time so I took an early morning beach walk. I let you guys pick a day to walk alone with daddy on the beach and Izzy wanted the first walk. I wish I could freeze that moment in time and take that walk with her everyday. I love you and I love spending time with you so much Iz, I don't want you to grow up. But as you do, I hope you remember times like this becasuse I always will.

We walked and walked until Iz got a little too close to the ocean and got her shorts wet.

When we got back, we gave Tutu her birthday presents and sang for her.

Our view from the rear of the condo.

Day three, it was SteveO's turn for the walk.

And what would a walk with daddy and SteveO be, without a little shelf stompin....

I totally thought he was going to fall on his face, lol. After we got back from our walk, we headed out for our next adventure, a submarine ride!!

It was awesome, accept for the part when Alex farted in the sub, who does that?! After the sub ride, we took a stroll around Lahaina.

 We went to a new place for lunch, and had an absolutely excellent time, the burger Al I got was called the western. Sooooo good. Back to our condo and more relaxing. I love this place. I love you guys.


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