Monday, December 15, 2014


Hey kids,

Daddy here.  This weekends activity was Izzy's first ballet recital and since it's the holiday season, they went with Frozen for the theme. Izzy and Mackenzie were the cutest little snowman I've ever seen.

The boys got lucky, and didn't go to the performance. Corey and I, not so much. Not that I didn't want to see your sister dancing ballet or anything, but three hours of dancing is a bit much. Your sister was on stage for maybe 20 seconds and it was the best part of the whole thing. After the three hour long ordeal, Mom, Kristin and I took Izzy and Mackenzie to ice cream to celebrate. Mackenzie commented that it was the best night ever. Suddenly, it was totally worth it. I'm so proud of you Iz. I can't wait to see all of the rest of your performances, however long they may be. I'll always be there, no matter what. I love you guys,


Penance Service

Hi kids,

Daddy here. Tonight it was time for penance service at Church, so we all went to unload our sins. Another thing I am grateful for is the gift of the sacrament of confession. For the penance service, they always bring in a bunch of extra priests from the different Catholic churches in our area.  Izzy does not get to do it till next year, so she played with Joanna. Jake went to Farther George. Al went to Father Phil. Mom went to Father Mario, I think and I went to Father I can't remember his name. I was in line for a really long time and had a very nice chat with Mary Jo. Finally I line-jumped to the guy I went to. As I expected, he was very nice. We all got cleansed of our sins and headed home to rest easy and try to stay in a state of grace until Mass. Good luck to us all. I love you guys,



Hi kids,

Daddy here. We got all the homework done early today, so mom said we could decorate the tree.

This is just another one of the reasons I love the Christmas season. I love you guys,


Weekend Wrap

Hey kids,

Daddy here.  This weekends Al went to the annual Town Tour with the Boy scouts. Saturday, the rest of us went to pick out our Christmas tree. The last few years we have gone to the FFA lot and gotten our tree. In a shocking turn of events, Mom picked literally the first tree she saw! The first tree! We tied it to the van and headed home to get it all ready for ordaments (as Izzy says). We didn't have time to decorate that day though, as the Reagan's holiday party was that night. So we prepped the tree and brought it in, and then head over to the party. I am so glad we are friends with them. It's a very special gift to have friends like them in our lives. Kristen and Cory and Mom and I all get along so well. Mac and Iz get along.....most of the time.

I picked up a bleary eyed Al the next morning after he pulled an all nighter. After Mass, it was time for family pictures. We had Mr. Vu from church take them. I'll tell you what, that guy is awesome.  When mom and me pick the photo that we're using, I'll post that one too. However, Mr Vu wanted to take a picture of us taking a selfie.

That's a good looking family.  I love you guys,


Black Friday

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Our plans for Black Friday included all whole lot of nothing except recuperating from Thanksgiving. Mom had to go to school and do some stuff in her classroom so we just stayed home and chilled. Jake and Iz road bikes in the front for a while.

We had a pretty fun day of relaxing and kicking back. I nice long, easy weekend. I love you guys,


Friday, December 12, 2014


Hey kids,
Daddy here. Thanksgiving time at the Mansfield house means dusting off the book 'Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'. That has to be one of my favorite books to read. We all have so much fun reading it together. No one else is allowed to say Tapplestons or they face the penalty of a tickle! This year we had an unexpected surprise in that our water heater blow up! Luckily, Papa was around to save the day. So, on Thanksgiving morning Mama took you guys to the Turkey Trot and Papa and I put in a brand new water heater.  Later that day, we made our annual trip to Grammie and Papa's for dinner. This year, Seth and Jula decided to raise their own bird. Not knowing how this would turn out, Grammie also prepared a bird. Grammie made a 26 pound turkey. If you don't know, that's pretty good size. Seth and Jula's bird came in at a whopping 40 pounds! Papa said it barely fit in the oven. Seth dared Al to eat a drumstick for dinner, which he did. And nothing else!

 After dinner,  we fell asleep on the couch watching the Forty Niner game. Which I'm glad we did since they got killed by Seattle. We took a bunch of leftovers home and went home to sleep, never to eat again.
Pictured:Heaven on a plate

The thing i am most thankful for is you guys and Mom. I so very happy for my many blessings. I love you guys,


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hey kids,
Daddy here. Halloween is here again. Time for candy and fun times. This year Alex was Ghost-face,  Jake was Spider-man and Izzy was a kitty cat. We once again went to the Fig's neighborhood for the company and the good candy. We met the Palmers there and the Moms stayed in and Mr. Palmer and I took you guys out. There were lots of great decorations out and we had a great time.

Outside the Haunted House

Eventually Mr Palmer had to take the little ones back to the Fig's and I stayed out with the older kids. Brooklyn got a wild hair and decided to throw something at a car passing by and like an idiot, shouted "Hey guys watch this!" The car slowed down and she threw something at it, at which point i had to yell at her. Seriously, what is that girl thinking?! Anyway, we made it back safe and sounds with a ton of candy.
The next day, we got up and headed down the the Clickner's house for Lily's b-day celebration. Mom had to stay home because she had a bunch of school work to do. I can't believe that Lily is already 2 years old, but then again I can't believe that Al is 13! We hung out and you guys jumped on the trampoline and we all had fun and caramel apples that Yaya made, woo hoo!

The next morning we went to Apple Hill and got their apple fritters. They are without question the best apple fritters in the world, sssssooooo goood.

We hung out and had our fritters and cider and on the way out I bought a 2014 Giants World Series beer stein for me and a 2012 World Series wine glass for Mom. We went back to the Clickner's and hung out for a bit, but we had to leave early so we could be home for Mass at 5:30. We picked Mom up at home and all went to Mass. What a great way to end our weekend together. I love you guys,
