Monday, December 15, 2014


Hey kids,

Daddy here.  This weekends activity was Izzy's first ballet recital and since it's the holiday season, they went with Frozen for the theme. Izzy and Mackenzie were the cutest little snowman I've ever seen.

The boys got lucky, and didn't go to the performance. Corey and I, not so much. Not that I didn't want to see your sister dancing ballet or anything, but three hours of dancing is a bit much. Your sister was on stage for maybe 20 seconds and it was the best part of the whole thing. After the three hour long ordeal, Mom, Kristin and I took Izzy and Mackenzie to ice cream to celebrate. Mackenzie commented that it was the best night ever. Suddenly, it was totally worth it. I'm so proud of you Iz. I can't wait to see all of the rest of your performances, however long they may be. I'll always be there, no matter what. I love you guys,


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