Monday, August 17, 2015

First day of High School

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Today was Alex's first day at Shasta High school, the first day of 6th grade for Jake and the first day of 2nd grade for Iz.

For the first time in 9 years we had to change up our morning routine. Now, Alex goes to Shasta and then I take Jake and Iz  to St Joe's. So, since it was the first day of school, we decided to get there a little early. I asked Alex beforehand if we could walk up with him and after a long pause he said OK. We got there before the gym opened, so there were about 5426 kids out front. I don't know if I've ever seen so many people in one place at one time other than major sporting event but wow! Also keep in mind that because we were up in Canada during the freshmen orientation Alex had no idea what his class schedule was or where any of the classes were located. So, we walked up to the gym and Alex stared out at the sea of humans and kind of looked like Nemo when he first saw the open water. I asked him if he wanted us to wait with him and like the big, grown up boy that he is said, "No dad. I'll be OK." I asked if we could give him a hug and he said, "No, I don't think so." We didnt want to embarrass him so we respected his wishes.We turned to leave and walked about 10 steps and ran into Gabe Palmer who had a similarly terrified look on his face, I showed him where Alex was and they headed toward the gym together. Not quite sure I can fully describe my feelings for watching my son start high school: nervous, anxious, excited and so many more come to mind. I can tell you this though, the feeling I feel more than any of those is pride. Good luck in high school, son I know you'll do awesome.
Jake and Iz began the next stage in their journey as well. Jake is now eligible for the $100 for straight A's as per standard in the Mansfield family. Good luck SteveO! Isabella is now in the sedonc grade with one of the new teachers this year Mrs S. As long as she can control her mouth, she'll to great too.
I love you guys,


Final Final

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Today was the last day before for all the chaos starts again. As per standard, we started our Sunday at the 9am Mass. We stayed and visited with the Palmers for a bit, then it was off to Target to pick up some last minute school supplies. We came home and Mom had to go grocery shopping while we got everything ready for school tomorrow. Not all of these blog posts are filled with exciting fun-filled adventures. Sometimes it's just everyday life, haha. You guys all made your lunches and got everything packed up and ready for school. We set the alarms for 6 a.m. and settled in. We all went to bed early in preparation for the calm before the storm. Good luck to you all. I love you guys,


Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Readers

Hey kids.
Daddy here. I've been reading at church for a few years now and it's something I really enjoy doing. I  enjoy doing it because it gives me the opportunity to preach the word of our Lord which is a tremendous gift. I've been watching you guys alter serve so long, I forget sometimes that you're growing up and as you get older you'll want to do more grown up things. This Sunday marks the first Sunday where the two readers are both the Mansfield men. I will be doing reading one and Alex will be doing reading two. We both studied our readings a lot to get the words down and our pace and rhythm and everything right. I feel confident that I did a good job but I can tell you Alex did an outstanding job. I say this often in this blog, but every time it's true: I'm so proud of you Al. What a wonderful young man you are becoming. I certainly hope you stick with the readings and anything else your faith family may ask of you. Great job dude, I love you,


Alex's Party

Hey kids. Daddy here. Alex's party at,Grammie and Papa's.

Summer Vacation Day 11

Hey kids. Daddy here. Last ferry ride and the drive.

Summer Vacation Day 10

Hey kids. Daddy here. ferry to the island. Butchart. Fancy hotel! Fancy dinner.

Summer Vacation Day 9

Hey kids. Daddy here. Vancouver Aquarium.

Summer Vacation Day 8

Hey kids. Daddy here. CANADA. Asian lady tried to kill us. Kph and what not. Capilano.

Summer Vacation Day 7

Hey kids. Daddy here. Swimming and relaxing.

Summer Vacation Day 6

Hey kids. Daddy here. Church and b dub.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Vacation Day 5

Hey kids. Daddy here. Seattle and Als bday. Drove to Bellingham