Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Readers

Hey kids.
Daddy here. I've been reading at church for a few years now and it's something I really enjoy doing. I  enjoy doing it because it gives me the opportunity to preach the word of our Lord which is a tremendous gift. I've been watching you guys alter serve so long, I forget sometimes that you're growing up and as you get older you'll want to do more grown up things. This Sunday marks the first Sunday where the two readers are both the Mansfield men. I will be doing reading one and Alex will be doing reading two. We both studied our readings a lot to get the words down and our pace and rhythm and everything right. I feel confident that I did a good job but I can tell you Alex did an outstanding job. I say this often in this blog, but every time it's true: I'm so proud of you Al. What a wonderful young man you are becoming. I certainly hope you stick with the readings and anything else your faith family may ask of you. Great job dude, I love you,


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