Monday, November 30, 2015


Hey kids,
Daddy here. This year, I decided to take a long Thanksgiving break, so I was off Wednesday thru Sunday. Five days off for me is like a mini vacation. Al was off all week, and Jake and Iz had two half days Monday and Tuesday. Jake went down to the Clickner's on Monday after school, so it was pretty scattered for the first part of the week.
Wednesday, Alex and I had to go out and get some last minute things for Thanksgiving. We were almost done with our errands when I got the call. GG has been sick for a few months now and at 95 years old, I had a feeling she would not be going back home. I try to prepare you guys the best I can for the hard times in life, and I hope that I have. However, no matter how much preparation you have and no matter how much your logical mind knows what can and probably will happen, getting that call is always hard. Angie told me though tearful words that GG had passed on. She waited for Angie to get there and the Chaplain played "Somewhere over the Rainbow" on the ukulele. From what she described, it was a very calm and peaceful passing. I started to get choked up and thanked her for calling to let us know. I hung up the phone and started crying. Alex gave me a big hug and we just sat there for bit, hugging and crying. It was an awful, beautiful moment for me. While sad that GG was gone, I was so glad that I had Al there to literally be a shoulder to cry on. That would have been very hard to go though alone. Al suggested we skip our last errand and just head home. We got home and told Mom and we all just kind of sat there and cried a bit. I know it's dumb to say, but she's been there for me my whole life. When I was a younger man and I was going though hard times, I could always call and talk to her. She'd give me advice, send money, and sometimes just listen. Even if she wasn't my grandmother, she'd still be my friend. I love her so much, and I'm just sad that I won't be able to tell her all the great stuff you guys do. When someone we love passes away, we're only sad for ourselves. GG's knees don't hurt anymore, her hands don't hurt anymore. She's with her husband, her parents, her brothers, her son, and her grand daughter. I'm so happy that she had such a wonderful place to go but I'm a little sad for us, as our lives are a little less colorful without her.
Thursday, we all got up early for the Mansfield tradition of going to the Turkey Trot. Last year I had to miss it because our water heater had blown up the day before and Papa generously offered to help me put the new one in. This year, I was all in, but Jake was sick and didn't feel like going! So, Mom, Al, Iz and I all put on our 30th anniversary sweatshirts and headed out. It was quite a chilly morning so I'm glad we all bundled up.

Afterward, we headed home and got all our stuff together for Thanksgiving and headed to Grammie and Papa's. I always love hangin out with the family. We watched some football, Al and I checked out Uncle J's RAD drone and snacked a bit. When it was time to eat, we all gathered around the kitchen island and I said Grace for us all. We sat down at the table and enjoyed out Thanksgiving meal as a family. We have so many wonderful things to be thankful for this year. Our lives, our family, our home, that GG is not suffering, that we live is such a great state and nation. Too many to count. I am so glad I get to spend the holidays with you guys and Mom. I never get tired of just being around you. I love you so much.
Saturday, we went to Turtle Bay to check out the Get Animated exhibit. Mom and I got a coffee before we went in, so we took a little walk first. After coffee we headed in to Get Animated.

Sometimes I wish we could spend a little more time reading some of the neat information they have written on the cards and such, but Jake and Iz get bored when there's not stuff to do. We we hung out and played some of the games and had some fun.

Afterwards we walked over the bridge and went below to throw rocks. Al and Jake had some awesome skippers and we just enjoyed our time together.

 I love you guys,


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend we went to Chico to celebrate Yayas 40th birthday on Saturday. I first met Yaya when she was a freshman in high school and I was a sophomore. She was in a few of my classes and she sat next to me in Pre-Calculus. I used to copy off her all the time and she'd slide her paper over so i could see her answers. When Doc first told me he wanted to ask her out, I told him I'd put in a good word with her if he promised not to screw it up, as I needed her to pass. Well, they've been together ever since and I passed Pre-Calc so all is well, lol. When I first met Mom and was telling Doc and Yaya about her, Yaya said, "Oh, I know her. She's in my English class. She's super sweet, you should ask her out!" Well, you guys know how that's worked out so nedless to say Yaya's been around my life for a long time. We all headed to Chico and Mom got Yaya out of the house so we could decorate. We got everything set, gave her a big surprise, and had a really fun time. I love that they live so close that we can just go for the day and still make it home by a reasonable hour.
We've been busy as of late, so we opted for a lazy Sunday this week and went to the 5:30 Mass and the guest priest was from Buffalo. Afterward, Mom had an idea that we'd go to Mod Pizza. You guys and Mom have been there but I had not. It's like a build your won pizza place and they even have a few beers on tap. Izzy loves the Marionberry iced tea and there are lot of stickers on the wall of people who've been there. We saw a few people we know. It was totally awesome and we made plans to definitely come back to this awesome place. The circus starts again tomorrow. I love you guys,

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. A few years ago,  I took Alex to a church sponsored Father/Son program in Chico.  This time around we were fortunate to have the talk in the St Joseph gym. A few of your friends were there to get to talk as well. Mr Watkins hosted the event and hopefully you guys learned something. The birds and the bees talk is something I think every father dreads, but one that is sponsored by the church and taught by men we respect is about as good as it can get. It is my job to raise you guys to become men. So far, so good.
Saturday, after an awesome sleep in we had to get some chores done around the house while Mom got her nails done. After Mom got home, she took Izzy to Natalie's birthday party at the gymnastics place and the boys and I got to chill and watch Flash. We wrapped up our day by having our standard Cap'n Chad pizza and watching a movie. One of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world.
Sunday morning, the Mansfield men were scheduled to read at the 9 o'clock mass. I was Lector 1 and Alex was Lector 2. Starting at this Mass, Lector 2 was supposed to read the opening prayer. I have to tell you Al, seeing you stand up there with your shirt and tie and getting ready to lead us all in prayer made me very proud. I'm so proud of the man you're growing up to be, son. After Mass, it was time for the Knights of Columbus breakfast. A great way for us to help out the Knights and get a totally filling breakfast at the same time. I love you guys,



Hey kids,
Daddy here. Halloween this year so we participated in another Mansfield family tradition which is going over to the Fig's neighborhood to trick or treat there because they give out stock options and full candy bars and such. I brought some Not your Father's root beer for people to try and sat down to watch the World Series game with Dr Fig only to be informed by Mom that I would need to take the kids out. So Mr Palmer, Mr Medina and I took you guys out trick or treating.

After what seemed like forever and many bags overflowing with candy we headed back to the Figs. It was another successful Halloween. We have enough candy to last us the next two months although I expect it will last less than a week. I love you guys,
