Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. A few years ago,  I took Alex to a church sponsored Father/Son program in Chico.  This time around we were fortunate to have the talk in the St Joseph gym. A few of your friends were there to get to talk as well. Mr Watkins hosted the event and hopefully you guys learned something. The birds and the bees talk is something I think every father dreads, but one that is sponsored by the church and taught by men we respect is about as good as it can get. It is my job to raise you guys to become men. So far, so good.
Saturday, after an awesome sleep in we had to get some chores done around the house while Mom got her nails done. After Mom got home, she took Izzy to Natalie's birthday party at the gymnastics place and the boys and I got to chill and watch Flash. We wrapped up our day by having our standard Cap'n Chad pizza and watching a movie. One of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world.
Sunday morning, the Mansfield men were scheduled to read at the 9 o'clock mass. I was Lector 1 and Alex was Lector 2. Starting at this Mass, Lector 2 was supposed to read the opening prayer. I have to tell you Al, seeing you stand up there with your shirt and tie and getting ready to lead us all in prayer made me very proud. I'm so proud of the man you're growing up to be, son. After Mass, it was time for the Knights of Columbus breakfast. A great way for us to help out the Knights and get a totally filling breakfast at the same time. I love you guys,


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