Friday, December 18, 2015


Hey kids,
Daddy here. Ever since I was a kid, the Star Wars saga have been some of my favorite movies of all time and when I heard they were adding on to that saga with Star Wars Episode VII:The Force Awakens, I was totally excited albeit a little cautious. After watching a preview I became totally hooked and you guys did too. We started talking about when we would have the possibility to go see it knowing that it would be hard if not impossible to get tickets the day of or even the weekend of. 

A few months ago, Cagle had the bright idea to rent out an entire theater and give tickets away on the radio to be a part of this massive event. The theater agreed and decided to sell us an entire showing at 7 p.m. the night before the movie was to be released. I asked Cagle then if there was any possibility that I could get in to see the showing and he said only if I agreed to work it. Which of course I did. I began to beg more and more for tickets so you guys could join me, but Cagle said the tickets were very limited and I probably wouldn't be able to bring anyone let alone two other people. On Monday of this week that rule was still in effect, but Cagle said I could have one extra ticket. With the impossible choice of having to pick between Alex and Jacob I couldn't choose one of you over the other so I decided to take Mom. However, after a major plot twist, Cagle  came up with a third ticket so that all three of us could go.

I was so excited, I couldn't wait to get home and tell you guys and your reaction was everything I thought it would be.

So, Alex had to get through one day of finals and Jake had to get through one day at school. Last night, after I got off work I headed home and pick you up and we turned right back around and headed to the theater, tickets in hand excitement in head and ready to go.  When we got there, we saw a huge, gigantic long line leading out of the theater Alex asked me, "Dad do we have to wait in that line?" I said, "No, we're with the radio station." We walked right up to the ticket counter and Emily, our promotions director, walked us right into the theater.  We got some great seats. Before the movie, Billy and Patrick, Jake Easy and I all got up in front of the crowd to thank them for joining us and I did my stupid Wookie roar. I sat down with you guys and we prepared ourselves for episode VII.

It was awesome! It was epic! It was, dare I say, legendary! Too much to recap in the blog and by the time you read this you probably will have seen it 246 times. But never forget the first time: in the theater with me. I know I won't. It was a tremendous experience and I love that we all got to see it together for the first time. I love you guys,


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