Hey kids,
Daddy here. The past couple of weeks has been super crazy, what with the holidays and such.
It started on Christmas Eve. I took the day off and had to wrap up some last minute shopping (get it, wrap up!? lol). In the evening, we headed to the Christmas Eve vigil Mass at church. Alex was one of the lead servers and Jake served as well. Izzy was a little angel (literally, not just sitting there quiet). Grammie, Papa, Jula, and Violet joined us for the Mass. We get so tied up in all the gifts that sometimes we forget the greatest gift of all, God's love. Always remember that God loved us so much that He sent us a savior in Jesus and that is what this special time of year is all about. After Mass, we headed home for our annual Christmas Eve dinner at our house. This year we had a full house with the five of us, Grammie, Papa, Tia, Uncle PP, Great-grandma Dorthy, Jula, Violet, Uncle J, Henry and even cousin Josh! Sadly, we did not have our traditional crab this year, due to the drought. Rest assured, Mom and Grammie made sure we still had plenty of good stuff to eat. We did have one brand new thing at this years dinner. Jake set his fabric napkin on fire. I certainly hope this will not become a new trend. Later in the evening, Mr Brace came by to pick up Al so he could be an angel at the 10 p.m. Mass. I'm so proud of you, Al for being there when your church needed you, even though you didn't want to. That shows such strength of character. Mom and I got all the dishes cleaned up and made it to bed before Santa showed up.
The next morning, I think you guys woke us up about 3:18 yelling and screaming that once again, Santa had paid us a visit. Mom made a pot of coffee and we headed downstairs to see what the big guy left us.
Everyone seemed very happy with their haul. Al's final gift was a Drone! Sadly, it was coming from China and would not be here till the 8th of January. Jake got a fitbit and Izzy got Gracie and an EZ Bake Oven. I got a bag of Mom's underwear, oops! In reality I got the Star Wars book, Aftermath. Mom got some kitchen stuff and some gift certificates from you guys. It was another great Christmas with the MansClan. We had a few minutes to look over our stuff and then had to head out for the second part of our Christmas day celebration. We got dressed and headed over to Grammie & Papa's house. Papa made Mom and I his famous Bloody Mary's and Jake and Izzy passed out the gifts. The party continued all day and well into the evening. We watched some football, had dinner and decided to spend the night.
The next morning, we had a nice slow morning and watched some movies. We eventually headed home to play with our new stuff. A nice, relaxing, easy day. Is it only Saturday?!
Sunday morning brought us to Church and back home for another lazy, totally awesome day.
Monday we got a few surprises. First of all, Al's drone got here, weeks ahead of schedule! So we flew it around the house for a bit to try to get a feel for it. I tell ya, that thing is harder to fly than it looks. The second of the awesome surprises was that Becky & Eric were coming to Redding to drop off David and wanted to know if Alex could come back with them and spend a week at their house. We debated it for a bit, but Mom and I decided to let you go, Al. I can tell you now that as much as you wanted to see your friend, I really wanted you to stay with us since I don't get enough time to spend with you guys. One day you'll be grown and gone and I just want to make sure we have enough time together while you're still under our roof. I often lament about how little time there is and how quickly it goes, but I truly love spending time with Mom and you guys more than anything else in the world.
Anyway, Al left for a week in Danville and Jake, Iz, Mom and I had a great time too. On Tuesday, we went to see the movie, The Good Dinosaur. It was another awesome Pixar flick, and of course, a little sad. We went shopping at JC Penny for Jake.
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