Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend the entire Mansclan had a three day weekend.
Friday night, we had to stay away from meat, since Lent is on. So, we had mac and cheese. Mom and Izzy fell asleep in our bed watching TV on the iPad while the boys and I watched Flash downstairs and then fell asleep watching an episode of Legends of Tomorrow.
Saturday morning, I headed to the movie theater and met Doc and we saw Deadpool. It was totally awesome! And wildly inappropriate. I'm sorry to say that you guys won't be saying that for quite some time. Which is too bad since it's a perfect Deadpool movie. After the movie, we went to Lumberjacks for lunch and I had to have new tires put on the car, ugh. Mom and Izzy went to school, so mom could get some stuff done. I got home just in time to have a few minutes with the boys before I had to head out. I was once again hosting the RMEF annual banquet and fundraiser. This year, the event was at Win River and went pretty smooth, albeit long. I got home about 11:30 and went straight to bed.
Sunday morning we got up and went to church. After church and our standard weekly run to Target, mom had the brilliant idea to go mini golfing. We headed to Oasis Fun Center for our round of mini golf. It was pretty competitive and a whole lot of fun. Oh, & I got a hole in one! After mini golf we dropped you guys off at home and mom and I ran to Safeway to pick up some dinner fixins since the Reagan's  were coming over later.  We also stopped at Fall River Tap House and had a pint. Since we were not fasting anymore, mom made Philly cheese steak sandwiches for dinner. It was as awesome as it sounds! Al played video games, Jake played the iPad, Izzy and Mackenzie played princesses and Andrew ran around in between all of you guys while us adults played darts outside. Everyone had a great night.
Monday, since we were all off, we decided to go take a hike at Whiskeytown. We loaded up the water bottles and drove to the trail head. It was a short hike all in all but perfect for us that are not in the best shape. We finally made it to the falls.

We met a nice family that had a giant dog, and when Izzy saw it she said, "That's a Saint Bernard!" It was! His name was Brody and he was super friendly. I tell ya, that girls knows her dog breeds. We headed back to the car and had a nice relaxing evening. All the nonsense starts back up tomorrow, but there is something else to look forward to, it's Jake's birthday tomorrow!! I love you guys,


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