Wednesday, May 4, 2016

First Holy Communion

Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's been said that the sacraments are the way that God communicates with us on a daily basis. There are only seven sacraments and most of us only get to take part in six of them. So, being able to share in someone else going through a Sacrament is a special treat for us. Sunday was the culmination of all is he studying and practicing has she got her first Eucharist. A few weeks ago, she went through her first reconciliation. I'm always curious what a 7 year old says during their first confession. I remember I asked Jake when he went through it and he said, "Do I have to tell you?" And I said, "No it's between you and God." Before we went to church, mom and I had a special gift for Iz.

We got the first pew because if he and I were doing the first reading. We did awesome. The Region's sat right behind us as Mackenzie and Mrs. Reagan we're doing the second reading. They also did awesome. When it came time for communion the first communion kids got to go first and Izzy was the first in line. She was very nervous, but we had practiced many times at home and she did it perfectly. I'm so proud of you Isabella for making the journey to accept the Body, Soul, blood, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Mass we attend is a remembrance of the first Eucharist. We are joined with Him in that moment and we are so very blessed to have a merciful Savior. Seeing you take your first communion filled me with pride not only is your daddy but as a member of our faith community. May you always walk in His light. Also, you did a great job with the line and didn't make a bad face. After church, it was time for pictures.

After pictures, there was a reception over at the school. We hung out for a few minutes, just long enough to get a few more pictures.

Then, it was up to Grammy and Papa's house for the big party! We had a great time visiting with all of our friends and you guys splashed and swam and ran around and had a great time. Papa grilled burgers and hot-dogs and mom made her famous twice-baked potato salad. With our bellies full, we headed home and prepared for Monday. Another great weekend and another wonderful memory for the MansClan. I love you guys,


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