Daddy here. In October of 2002, Mom and I bought our first house. A quiet little house on a quiet little street called Mercury Drive. At that time we had a little baby boy who was a little more than a year old named Alex. Suffice it to say a lot has happened since then. We now have a SteveO, a beautiful little Izzy, a Rudy and 14 years of memories. We've tried to move numerous times because the Mercury house just got to be too small for our family. It would seem, that the Lord knew what he was doing and waited for this time for our house to successfully sell. He wanted us to be in Louie and Carmen's house on Riverside Drive. The first time we saw the house, Mom and I liked it immediately. So after months and months of escrow hell and our trip to Hawaii thrown in the mix we have finally closed escrow and get to move in. Kristin, Cory, Sara, Dean, Grammie and Papa helped us move all of our stuff into their garage. Monday, I had to go back to work but you guys went with Mom over to the new house to get moved in. You were unable to do so however because Louie and Carmen were still there. While talking with them and walking around the house, despite the fact that he was expressly told not to open the door as the cat would get out, Jake let the cat out and he ran away. This has been known has the Mr Shitters incident. After much frustration, Mom decided to head back to Grammy and Papa's for one more night. I'm very grateful for Grammy and Papa to let us stay there while going through this moving debacle. Tuesday morning I headed to work and you guys crossed your fingers and headed over to the new house to find that they were gone! We can officially begin the move in. Before we get working too hard, Let's test the pool!
It was awesome. I'm so glad that we finally have a pool living in this town. I didn't really love the Mercury house but I did love who I shared it with. Love it or hate it, it was a big part of our life for the last 14 years. All I can think about now is what kind of adventures and memories we will make in this house which we all love. I love you guys,