Saturday, July 2, 2016

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend we went to see the new Pixar movie "Finding Dory" with the Reagan's. It was another great Pixar movie. In the opening when we see Dory with her parents, Andrew looks at Jake ans asks, "Are they gonna die?" Legit question, little dude. We had a great time and headed home to have a lazy afternoon.
Sunday, after Mass,  we went to check out the new exhibit at Turtle Bay. It's called Rock University. It had instruments you could play like guitars, drums and all kinds of other stuff. It was totally awesome!

I hope you guys have a deep connection to music like I do. A song can help you remember people, events, all kinds of things. Music can trigger memories like crazy. We all had a great time and many laughs. We spent Sunday night enjoying each other's company before I had to get to the nonsense tomorrow. I love you guys,


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