Tuesday, August 23, 2016

UFC 202

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend Sara and DeanO came to visit and watch the UFC fight. It was the second match-up of Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz. Diaz won the first fight and I was really hoping Conor would win this one, not just because he's my current favorite fighter but I always like to see them even the score. We had a few beers, we had some dinner, and settled in to watch the fight. I tend to get a little bit excited when I watch the UFC fights, which is why I didn't want you guys watching it with me but I let you stay up anyway. So, I'm sorry for what you heard that night as I have a tendency to scream at the television during a UFC fight. All in all it was a pretty good fight although there was a little too much dancing around and not enough hitting in the face for my taste. We took it easy on Sunday and Sarah and Dean ended up going home around 1 in the afternoon. We got the house cleaned up headed off to church and hit MOD Pizza on the way home. I love that place. I even got a Mega Mod so that I'd have some mod for lunch this week. We'll see what the next adventure brings. I love you guys,


Monday, August 15, 2016

First day of School 2016

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Today was the first day of school for the 2016-2017 school year. Or as Izzy called it, the 2016 minus 2017 school year. This year Al is taking zero period so he has to be at school at 6:45, ouch! Mom is gonna take him in and hopefully get a few minutes alone to get her day planned. I'll be taking Jake and Izzy to school. After we got all ready we had to take a pic.

It cracks me up that's you can't even read her sign, lol. After work, I asked you guys about the first day and you all seemed ok with it. Iz is happy in third grade, Jake is happy in 7th and even Al seems pretty happy in 10th. Mom also had a great first day in her new class. I'm so glad you guys had a good first day. I can't believe you're so big already, but I'm sure this school year will bring many fun adventures and memories. I love you guys,


Friday, August 12, 2016

Dad and Dude day- Al version

Hey kids,

Daddy here. So, as per usual we did our second round of Dad and Dude day yesterday.  This time Al was the man of honor. I wanted to hit the driving range, so we did something that I've never done in all of our years living in Redding and that was to go to aqua golf. Driving range overlooking the river so that you can hit your golf balls right into the river.

 It was totally awesome. On the second-to-last ball for both of us I went first and hit an absolutely killer shot I followed up with an equally killer shot of my own. We hesitated for a moment thinking we should not hit our last ball for fear of going out on a duck. That was a fleeting thought however and I quickly lined up to hit my last ball. It was a terrible shot and didn't go very far. All lined up for his last shot and similarly tufted. We said our last shot was the equivalent of finding Pidgey. When we're done at the driving range we both found ourselves absolutely starving so we headed up to Dill's Deli.

We each got a dirty Pig  and it was exactly perfect with our bellies full we headed over to GameStop From there, we headed over to GameStop because Alex wanted to buy Call of Duty used had he found one for 10 bucks! After GameStop, we headed to the movies to take in Suicide Squad. I've heard a lot of people bitching about the quality of that movie but I'll be honest, I thought it was pretty awesome. After the movie we checked out a few more places to hang, but everything was closed. We decided to head over to the Sundial Bridge and hunt for Pokemon. We didn't catch anything good comma but as long as we get to spend time together it was totally worth it. We got home kind of late comma and headed to bed. Another successful dad and dude day on the books. I love you guys,


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dad and Dude Day- Steve version

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This year for Dad and dude a, we had to split it up into only the later part of the day. So, last night I left work early and came home for me and Jake's dad and dude day. He had already planned it all out and written it down.

I'm pleased to say we got to almost everything on that list, just a bit out of order. We decided to go to Baja Burrito 1st to get some food since we were starving. We then headed over to the batting cages and SteveO batted an incredible .818! After the cages we headed to Oasis Fun Center for mini golf. I managed to get two holes in one in the first four holes! We also ended up dying on like five holes in a row, it was awesome. We checked the time and decided we still had enough time for go-karts. Jake started out ahead and manage to stay that way for about five laps and when his foot got tired, I made my move and took the lead. I thought I had it all wrapped up, but I went too wide out of a turn and he was able to overtake me and stayed in the lead to the end of the race and won! It was a great race though. Getting short on time, we headed over to the dollar theater to catch TMNT 2. We debated on seeing Civil War again but decided we should see something new. Rather than getting your traditional movie snacks we were so parched we decided to get water and Mike and Ikes. The movie was fun and we had a great time. After the movie it was getting late, but we decided we still had enough time to head over to the Sundial Bridge and try to catch some Pokemon. We had a few jump out and escape and caught a few others but nothing spectacular. We played until my battery died and decided to head home. On the way, we stopped at WinCo and got some cereal and milk per Al's request and when we got home, I showed Jake my new Demon Hunter character on World of Warcraft. I know he and I didn't want the night to end but we were both about to pass out, so we headed for bed. I hope when you grow up Jacob you'll always look back on Dad & Dude Day and remember how much fun we had. Getting alone time with you and having fun like we do as one of my favorite things ever. I love you son,


Monday, August 1, 2016

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here.

Al's Day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Today is Alex's birthday. Number 15. Fif- freaking - teen! I don't even know where to start with his post. I could talk about the day you were born, I could talk about any one of the 14 birthdays you've had up until now,  I just don't know. I just know that I'm very proud of the young man you are becoming and I love hanging out with you. I hope you have a great birthday dude, and I look forward to having many more adventures with you in the future. I love you Al,
