Friday, August 12, 2016

Dad and Dude day- Al version

Hey kids,

Daddy here. So, as per usual we did our second round of Dad and Dude day yesterday.  This time Al was the man of honor. I wanted to hit the driving range, so we did something that I've never done in all of our years living in Redding and that was to go to aqua golf. Driving range overlooking the river so that you can hit your golf balls right into the river.

 It was totally awesome. On the second-to-last ball for both of us I went first and hit an absolutely killer shot I followed up with an equally killer shot of my own. We hesitated for a moment thinking we should not hit our last ball for fear of going out on a duck. That was a fleeting thought however and I quickly lined up to hit my last ball. It was a terrible shot and didn't go very far. All lined up for his last shot and similarly tufted. We said our last shot was the equivalent of finding Pidgey. When we're done at the driving range we both found ourselves absolutely starving so we headed up to Dill's Deli.

We each got a dirty Pig  and it was exactly perfect with our bellies full we headed over to GameStop From there, we headed over to GameStop because Alex wanted to buy Call of Duty used had he found one for 10 bucks! After GameStop, we headed to the movies to take in Suicide Squad. I've heard a lot of people bitching about the quality of that movie but I'll be honest, I thought it was pretty awesome. After the movie we checked out a few more places to hang, but everything was closed. We decided to head over to the Sundial Bridge and hunt for Pokemon. We didn't catch anything good comma but as long as we get to spend time together it was totally worth it. We got home kind of late comma and headed to bed. Another successful dad and dude day on the books. I love you guys,


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