Thursday, September 22, 2016

Monster Weekend!!

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend was big. It started Friday night when the boys and I made our annual trip to the Monster Trucks. This year it was in Redding, which was awesome for a short drive. We met Jake Mangas and Coby at the event and settled in. CR Gibbs was serving dinner, so that was wagger. The venue was a lot smaller than Red Bluff but I think it was another great night for us. On the way back to the car, what do you know, Alex finally caught Squirtle!!
Saturday morning Alex had to be at the church at 5 am for the youth group trip to 6 Flags. So, Al and I got up at 4:15 and got there. Gabe ended up not going because he got sick, which pissed Alex off. He ended up hanging out with Ryan and had a great day. Back at home, it took me forever to fall back asleep and when I finally did, Mom woke me up to scoop poop and mow the grass. We had lots to do to prepare for the Big Top Party. We got the finishing touches on everything and people started showing up. It was a bit into the party and we were wondering where the Reagan's were. We found out that they had been involved in a car accident! Mr Donaghy went to check on them and they eventually made it to the party, no injuries. It was a miracle. The party was awesome.  The face painter was great and everyone had a great time. Once all the temporary company had gone, the family started rolling in. Once again, we had a full house. The Clickner's, the Reagan's and all our family were all here. I have to say, I think my favorite sound in the whole world is that of my family just hanging out and laughing and talking. It really does make me so very happy. I cooked up some sausages and we had dinner. Once the second party had wound down, we finally made our way to bed. Izzy and I fell asleep in our bed.  Not long after, I got a text from Al saying he was at church and needed to be picked up. It's 1am now. Off to get him and then back home to bed. Al asked me on the way if we could sleep in in the morning. Nope, Daddy is doing both readings at 9.
The next day, we groggily headed to church. Jake served and I did both readings and all the announcements. Father George was back and told us about his trip to Italy. It's pretty amazing that he got asked to serve at the canonization Mass for Mother Theresa. After Mass, we came home for a lazy, football day. Not Ling after we got home, Tia and Uncle PP stopped in so Uncle PP could fix a sprinkler that he'd broken the night before. While he was here, I asked for his help in fixing the stupid wiring problem in the bedroom and we got it all dialed in! As soon as they left, we got a text from Rachel who was in town for a visit. So, she came by and we had a nice visit. After she left, Mom and I took a quick trip to Home Depot for the light bulbs and came home to crash. It was indeed a Monster weekend. I can't wait for our next adventure. I love you guys,


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