Monday, January 16, 2017

Weekend recap

Hey Kids,
Daddy here. This weekend started off on Friday as most weekends do with Jake spending the night at the Cardenas'. We got take and bake pizzas from Westside and tried their new BBQ chicken cheeseburger pizza. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.
On Saturday, Sara and Dean came up from Yuba City to watch the football games. The first game was the Atlanta Falcons and the Seattle Seahawks game and the Seahawks got blown out on the road. It was great to watch. The second game went about as expected between the Houston Texans and the New England Patriots. The Patriots were at home and killed them. Alex spent most of the evening and most of the day playing Xbox in our room while Izzy did Sarah's hair she also tried to do Dean and  my hair to no avail. We ended up staying up late and play the new board game that they brought up called Sequence. It sounds like there are way too many rules but it all turned out okay. We had a great time with them, as always.
On Sunday, we lounged around the house and waited for the midday game to start between the Packers and the Cowboys. They ended up leaving about halfway through the game because they wanted to make it home in time for the Chiefs/Steelers game that got delayed because of the storm in Kansas City. We went to 5:30 mass that night and almost missed the end of the football game because we were running late and had to pick up Jake from the Cardenas' since he spent two nights there!. The Cowboys Packers game was one of the best playoff games I've seen in a long time coming all the way down to the wire with Mason Crosby of the Packers kicking a 51-yard field goal at 3 seconds left as time expired and it went through the uprights the Packers won 34-31 and we headed out the door to pick up Jake and head to church. Alex Izzy Jake and I all had a tough time staying awake at the 5:30 Sunday mass but we powered through. We came home had some leftovers and had an early night.
Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you all have the day off but I got to work. Another weekend, another great time with our friends and family. I love you guys,


Monday, January 9, 2017

Bball Game

Hey kids,
Daddy here. So the St Joseph boys had two basketball games today. Jake was really hoping I could make it to the later one but I actually ended up making it to most of both of them. In the first game at halftime he came over and gave me a big hug and said, "Dad I'm glad you could make it. I'll go out and score a basket for you." I didn't realize when he said he would score a basket for me he actually meant for the other team. Poor kid. People get turned around, don't worry about it dude. That was the first game. A game they ended up blowing out the other team so it didn't matter. The second game however was a real butt clencher. It came all the way down to the wire and they ended up winning by 2. It was a great game and a great finish. Sometimes the week is broken up my great adventures like that. I love you guys,


Weekend Recap

Hey kids.
Daddy here. This weekend we had a low key, stay at home weekend. I mean, we had to stay at home because IT SNOWED!!

By Sunday night, it was mostly gone, but it was fun while it lasted! I love you guys,


NYE 2016

Hey kids.
Daddy here. It's time once again to ring in the New Year. This year, we headed over to our friends the Brace's house along with the Palmers to celebrate the event. We got over there in the evening and they already had a whole lot of snacks and stuff between our three families I think there's about 542 kids they're running around. Mr. Brace, Mr Palmer and I had a couple of beers, some ribs, some pistachio nuts and some all around good food while the ladies had a few glasses of champagne and stuff. We counted down to the new year we all made it all the way until midnight and then headed home. Lots of people have been complaining about 2016 with all of the bad news that's been apparently going around however the MansClan had a pretty awesome 2016 and I can't wait for the laughter, fun, and adventures that 2017 may bring. It's going to be a great year. I love you guys,
