Monday, January 9, 2017

Bball Game

Hey kids,
Daddy here. So the St Joseph boys had two basketball games today. Jake was really hoping I could make it to the later one but I actually ended up making it to most of both of them. In the first game at halftime he came over and gave me a big hug and said, "Dad I'm glad you could make it. I'll go out and score a basket for you." I didn't realize when he said he would score a basket for me he actually meant for the other team. Poor kid. People get turned around, don't worry about it dude. That was the first game. A game they ended up blowing out the other team so it didn't matter. The second game however was a real butt clencher. It came all the way down to the wire and they ended up winning by 2. It was a great game and a great finish. Sometimes the week is broken up my great adventures like that. I love you guys,


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