Hey kids,
Daddy here. This was a busy weekend for the MansClan. Friday night, Mom and Kristen went to Joann Fabrics and then to CR Gibbs for dinner. Cory, Mack, and Andrew came over to our house and we had pizza and played some Cornhole in the garage since it was pouring rain.
Saturday morning, Alex went to play Airsoft with Gabe and some dudes from school and I had practice at Church for the passion Play. After practice, Grammie and Papa came over and we busted our tails on yard work for the rest of the day. The Green Monster was practically decimated, but it looks awesome now. Now we just have a huge pile of green waste in the front yard. Papa said since Alex is on spring break this week, maybe they can make a few dump runs. Mom and me both crashed early on Saturday night since we were exhausted.
Sunday morning, I went to church early to get all set for the Passion. The guy who was supposed to play the Roman Centurion didn't show and we all started getting really nervous. MaryJo said she was gonna call Thomas to come do it, and I volunteered Alex for the role and everyone thought that was a great idea. It was.
Mrs Medina suggested if a few a the whip cracks "accidentally" hit me, I'd probably forgive him, lol. He did a great job and I was so proud to be able to include him in the production. I'm so honored every year when Father George asks me to play Jesus.
Whenever I get the chance to do this, it always reminds me of His walk for us. I hope you guys remember how much He suffered out of his love for us. It's truly humbling to be able to remind people of His love for us. After the 11 o'clock Mass, Alex and I stopped into La Cabana for some burritos.
Then we headed home to get Jake and go over to Great Grandma Dorthy's house to do more yardwork. We spread some bark and you guys completed a path. Great Grandma paid you guys $10 each. Mom and Izzy had gone to see Beauty and the Beast, so they met us at home while we finished up some more yardwork. We had planned to watch some Iron Fist but after a whole weekend of work, I was waaaaay too tired and crashed early again.
Alex has Spring Break this week, so Mom actually gets to sleep in a bit. It's also Holy Week, so we've got a bunch of Church this week in preparation of the Resurrection. I look forward to all of it.
I love you guys,
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