Monday, August 21, 2017

Weekend Recap

 Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend, mom and I had big plans. So, Friday night we took you guys out to the houseboat and dropped you off. We then headed back home and stopped at Mod on the way to get some dinner. Saturday morning, bright and early we headed out for Sarah and Dean's. After a few minutes of chit-chatting we got on the road. We stopped at a place in Marysville called Pietro's for lunch. It was really good!

 If we ever have a chance to get down there we should definitely make that a priority. I'm very glad DeanO was driving because traffic in the city is absolutely miserable. But thanks to his astute driving skills, we made it to the hotel just fine. As Dean is a platinum member with a Holiday Inn they kept referring to him as Mister Powers, so we started doing that too.

After Mr. Powers arranged an Uber for us we hopped in Donald's car and headed to the stadium. Or at least try to as Mom, Sarah, and I wouldn't fit in the back and I had my foot out the door while my man Donald started driving and I was literally pedaling along with my foot on the ground! Come on Donald!

Anyway, we got to the game and walked through the Sea of Tailgaters.

We got all checked in and went to our seats, grabbing a beer on the way.

We could see the field just fine despite the fact that DeanO said we were in the nosebleed section.

We had an absolutely wonderful time. Even though this clown sat right in front of me.

The Niners played like absolute garbo but we still had a blast. Mom even got a shirt from the T-Shirt cannon!

We ended up walking back to the hotel because it was faster then taking an Uber with 5247321 cars on the road. We didn't get to bed till after midnight kind of, which is late for us old people. Sunday morning we got up and made our way back to Sarah and Dean's after getting breakfast at this place called Bill's.

With our bellies full we've got on the road. We dropped off Sarah and Dean and Mom and I headed home. I picked you guys up at the lake, thanked Papa, and headed for the house. Another great weekend adventure comes to an end. Next weekend is the Mayweather McGregor fight, so I'm sure we'll do something fun. I love you guys,


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