Daddy here. Well well well, ,we have spent quite a bit of time at St Joe's in the past few days with the boys serving in all the Tridium.
Holy Thursday Mass was Mama and Daddy's 15th wedding anniversary. 15 years, seems like a lifetime ago. I count myself as been very blessed to have her in my life for all this time. She is such a beautiful, wonderful woman, I hope one day you guys will be able to appreciate all she has done for us all, and continues to do every day. She is incredible, and she said yes when I asked her to marry me. How much luckier does a man get? We also thought it was pretty neat that we got communion from Deacon Mangas, as he was the one who married us all those years ago.
On Good Friday, I took a half a day off and after we went to Mass we hit the ol Midway of Fun and got haircuts and stuff.
On Holy Saturday morning the boys and I had Mass practice and then the Reagans came over for a BBQ. We had some awesome brats and some laughs. Then, we headed to the big one, the Holy Saturday Mass. The boys were both alter servers, and they did great. When I heard glass breaking, I looked straight at Jake, but he was not involved! Whew! I was the Exultet and had a very long reading, but I think I did O.K. I also read the second reading with was the one from Exodus with the chariots and charioteers that makes Mama laugh so much. Izzy fell asleep and after the whole big, beautiful production, we headed home. We stopped at Safeway and Alex and I ran in to get some stuff and speculated what it would have sounded like if Bob Moad had read the readings. "A reading from Expedia. Moses put his had out over water, Jews walked in. It was dry. Eg.....the Egyp......the horse guys went in after them.......they died." We were cracking each other up. Then, when we got home, we watched The Ten Commandments on TV. The one from 1956. And Al was offended by the special effects, denouncing them as, "Bush League" and "I've got an app on my tablet that can do better than that."
On Sunday, we had an easy morning and then headed over to Grammie and Papa's house for the Easter celebration. Everyone was there that day: Seth, Jula, Violet, Tia, Uncle PP, Grandma Dorthy, Uncle J & Henry. We had a great day of food, baseball, beers, candy, more food, and family. We are so very blessed to have so many wonderful people in this family. I love it when we all get together. I hope you guys understand the importance of spending time with your family and remember these times when you get as old as I am. I look forward to our next adventure. I love you guys.
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