Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Phones

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Well Mama and me finally decided to upgrade our cell phones. We got the brand new Samsung Galaxy s5. Let me tell you this might be one of the greatest inventions the human race has ever come up with.  This is the first picture I took on my new phone.

 We are eventually going to turn in our old iPhones but you guys have been so busy playing games and texting each other with phones that don't even have service, which I don't even understand, that we haven't got around to it yet. This is the first blog post that I've done simply by talking. Every so often a technology comes around that even blows daddy away. And the ability to blog via talking is pretty sweet . Lord knows what they'll have by the time you guys are my age. I'll post again soon. I love you guys.


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