Hi kids,
Daddy here. I've begun to think over the time of this blog that maybe Monday isn't so bad after all. When I come in and start to type out what we did this weekend, it makes me realize how much fun we have and lucky we are.
This weekend was once again time for a Mansfield family tradition. THE WEST COAST MONSTER TRUCK NATIONALS. "Uncle" Matty Funnlecakes picked us up at about 6:30. We drove down to the Tehema district fairgrounds cracking jokes and laughing the whole way. When we were almost in, I asked, "When do you guys think we'll see the first thing that makes us say 'WOW'?" No sooner did I ask that when Al pointed out a guy walking with his six year old daughter, and the guy was smoking. "How about that?" He asks, "I mean wow dad, just awful." We paid for parking and got into a spot and began the walk into the arena. Once we got checked in we headed off to the right to the VIP area as we always seem to get the VIP tickets. We got settled into our seats and waited for the show to begin. They were loud and awesome, like always. We screamed and yelled and had a blast. Jake asked me if he could go look for food. I said, "Sure. Just don't go over the bridge and out of the VIP area." He comes back like 5 minutes later excited as can be exclaiming, "They have Oreo shakes!!" "Here?" I asked. "Uhh..." Really Jake?! The one direction I gave you was to stay here. Ugh. So the boys come back with their shakes just in time to see the Jet Fire Engine. It does not sound that impressive, but check this out, how sweet is this?!
Pictured: The definition of awesome |
All I wanted to see all night was a Monster Truck flip over, and after the final race, the drivers came out and did some freestyle stuff. The Patriot made a huge jump and went up on his front tire. I stood up and prepared to scream and holler. He eventually rolled back down on the back tires and the entire crowd let out a audible, frustrated sigh. That sucked. Still, flip or not, we had an absolute blast, just like every year. I hope you guys will go with me when you're old and I'm older still. I love going to that event with you guys. I really love how we all just get so excited by silly stuff like that. Boys rule!
On Saturday, mom took Izzy to Ava's birthday party which worked out really good for us boys ad the Giants-Nationals game was on. The Giants had won the first game in DC and were looking to win game number two and take a commanding lead in the series. When mom and Izzy got home from the party, it was the top of the 9th inning and the Giants were down 1-0. I told mom we'd go out to Wildcard and have a beer as soon as the game was over. Then, Pablo Sandoval hit a double and Joe Panik scored to tie it up. The 11th inning came and went, as did the 12th, 13th and 14th. I realized (with Alex's help) that if I wanted to have a beer with mom at Wildcard, we had to go. So, the boys recorded the game for me and we headed out. We had a very nice, quiet time. When we left, we remembered that you guys had not yet eaten so we white-trashed it up and bought Hot Pockets and pot pies on the way home. I could not believe that we made it all the way home with no one spoiling the end of the Giants game for me. When we got home, the boys asked if we could watch the end of the game. We put Izzy in bed and started where we left off, which by the way was the bottom of the 14th inning. When the game reached the 16th inning I made the comment that I had never seen a game go on that long. When the game reached the bottom of the 17th, mom asked how long it would be possible to go on for. "Until they get a damn winner." I said. "They will keep playing all day and night until those guys are physically no longer able to walk or stand." In the top of the 18th inning, Brandon Belt (the baby giraffe) hit a solo home run and the Giants took a 2-1 lead. They held the Nats off and won the game, after 18 innings of baseball! It was the longest baseball game in terms of time ever in the postseason and tied for the longest ever i the postseason in terms of innings. It was crazy to watch and I loved that we got to be a part of history in the making, a little. I mean, it's not like we were there, we just sat at home on the couch, but still! Totally awesome, I'm so glad we all watched it together.
Sunday: Mass at 9, as per standard, and home to get things ready for football. Oh, and mom had a jewelry party. The boys and i watched the 49er game. When the other moms came over for the jewelry party the kids came down stairs and watched the game and horsed around with the boys and I.
The 49ers made us sweat near the end, but ended up winning, whew. After the game & jewelry party it was time to head to Captain Kissyface's Halloween party. Alex stayed home to get some homework done, so Mom, Izzy, Jake and I headed over.
While we were there, Jake hit Kevin in the face with the football and knocked his tooth out. Thanks, Jake. His dad's a highway patrol officer and his mother is an Assistant District Attorney. As it turns out, Jake made a perfect pass and Captain Kissyface just missed it. Also, his tooth was already loose, but still, of course Jake knocked his tooth out with a football. How Jake is that story!? Classic Steve. I love you guys,