Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Al's Birth

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Today is Alex's 13th birthday. I can't believe you're a teenager now Al. The day you were born my life changed forever for the better. It's not something I could put into words, but I'll still type a few. Having a son means there's a part of me that I have left for this world. You are the very best thing I have ever done in my life. You are the heir to my throne. I have nothing to give, but I have a son. Knowing that you are out there makes me feel complete, like I have made this planet a little bit better. You are not only my legacy, but the entire Mansfield legacy. I don't tell you this to make you feel pressure to carry on the name. I tell you this because our family has grown and evolved and changed over the years all to create you. You are the culmination of the Mansfield and the Lee families. That's crazy! All those people lived their lives and came to be and now you exist because of everything that came before you. You are the best parts of Mom and me. There is nothing you cannot accomplish. Always believe in yourself, because mom and I do. We will support you and love you always. I know you know the stories by this point but I'll tell them again anyway.

After like 29 hours of labor, they decided to take you out by C-Section. The doc came in to take mom to surgery and I had to wait till she was prepped. Those 10 minutes were the longest of my life, as I just had to sit in the room and wait for the ok. They finally brought me in and mom was on the table. They sat me right next to her and began the surgery. The next 10 minutes were the new longest of my life as all I wanted was to get you out and get the heck outta that room. It's freaky in the OR. Everything is pure white and totally sterile and just ominous. I heard the doc say, "We are now cutting the Euteran wall." That sounded pretty final to me, so I figured we were close. The anesthesiologist told me to look over the curtain and watch you come out, so I nervously looked. I saw the doc with his hands halfway up his arm reaching inside mom to pull you out. Now, keep in mind, we did not know if you were going to be a boy or a girl (all of us thought you would be a girl, ecept Grandpa). So, when the doc pulled you out and I saw your swollen sack, I said, "Woah! It's a boy!" They took you over to a little table where they ran some tests on  you. Then the next 10 minutes were the new longest of my life as I now knew you were safe, I just wanted to get mom stitched up and get outta there. Just before they finished with her I heard them say, "We are now performing a final tool count." Yeah that's a good call, let's not leave any stuff in her, shall we? So we move to the recovery room and the whole family came running down the hall to meet you.  Because they wrapped you up so much, no one could tell if you were a boy or girl so Tutu asked, "Well?! What do we have?" I looked straight at Grandpa and said, "We have a boy." I'll never forget the way he smiled at me when I said that. I asked the nurse if I could take you down the hall to meet GG and Doc said, "You can do whatever you want, he's your son." That was the first time someone ever called you that. So I took you down to meet GG and some joker snapped a pic of me bawling like a little girl while she was holding you.

So, 13 years and more parties than I can count later here we are. It has been my privilege and my honor to call you my son Alex. Mom and I talked many times before you were born about how someday we wanted a blue-eyed blonde son named Alex. I can now tell you that you have exceeded all my expectations. You make me a better man and I hope you will always be my bud. I know in the next few years we may see some rough patches, but always know that I love you more than I could ever write in words. Your grandpa was a tremendous man and I think he did a pretty good job raising me. I can only hope to do a decent job by you and your brother an sister. I'd love you as your dad no matter what you were like, but you're also the type of guy who I just like being around. You are kind, funny, and just fun to be with.

Happy birthday Al. I'll always look forward to celebrating your birthday with you. I love you son.


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