Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Aloha to Maui.....for now

Hi kids,
Daddy here. Well the alarm went off waaay too early today, but it was time for my final early morning beach walk, so mom and I shook off the sleep and went out.

We really did not want to leave, so the boys and I took a little something home with us.

Proof we were there! After a few more dragging our feet, it was time for our final walk through.

So we sadly headed out. We grabbed a quick breakfast at McDonalds and had a Taro Pie, a uniquely Hawaiian treat. It was awesome. We got to Aloha rental car and dropped off Tutu and the car and said out final aloha.

We then took the shuttle to the airport and Tutu headed home. The driver told us all about the hurricane that was coming in, but sadly, we didn't get trapped in Hawaii (boo). We eventually got on the plane and started our long flight home.

These boys do not want to go home
But, eventually we settled in and started talking about what a great time we had.

We hope to be back next year! We love Maui and Tutu so much and are so blessed to be able to as often as we do. I love you guys,


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