Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New carpet!

Hey kids,
Daddy here. When we moved in to 3560 Mercury in 2002, we had this terrible, thin carpet. Mom and I decided to get new carpet and we've had the replacement for the last 13 years! There's been all manner of stains and spills on the carpet, so we've decided to get new carpet. We finally got the washer fixed so it was time. Papa stayed at our house all darn day waiting for the carpet guys to finish. I was the first one to get home and lay on the new carpet (and hook the WiFi back up, of course).

Mom has been pretty militant about not letting Rudy on the carpet so I've had to fireman carry him up the stairs. Also, there's no eating or drinking down stairs. I'm just wondering how long it will be before someone, and by that I mean Jake, spills on it. So far, so good. I love you guys,


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