Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Great America

Hey kids,
Daddy here. There have been many great field trips that you have been on during your time at St. Joes, Al. However, the 8th grade trip to Great America was one that I couldn't pass up. So, I took the day off work and we had us a road trip of epic proportions. We were supposed to be at school at 5 a.m. We stopped at Jack in the Box to get some food on the way in and we were stuck in the drive thru for 12 minutes! 12 stinkin minutes! When we finally got to school, the bus pulled in literally right after we did. We boarded the bus and our road trip began. Our first stop was in Red Bluff to pick up the kids from Mercy. They loaded into the front, and St. Joe's took the back. Back on the road and down to Great America. When we pulled into the parking lot at Great America, Alex said "Dad, is that Levi stadium?"
It is!
We were all terribly excited to get into the park, but we had to take a pic first.

Once we got in, the first ride we went on was the double decker merry go round. We went up top, because it was a double decker merry go round! Gabe got yelled at by Mr Grobbel because he was horsing around, see what I did there? After the merry go round we split off into our groups.
The boys were with me and we wanted to go on Gold Striker, the highest and fastest wooden roller coaster in California. Before we could though, Will had to use the bathroom. After we found the bathroom, we were standing right next to Flight Deck, so we decided to go on that. Joe opted out so Alex, Gabe, Will and I rode Flight Deck. it was the first rollercoaster Gabe had ever been on, and he loved it! We all did. We collected Joe and moved on to more rides. Al, Will, and Joe all decided to ride the water ride. Many times in a row. Gabe got some money and tried to shoot water at you guys as you passed by, but missed and hit another lady instead, who gave him the stink eye! I lol'd. There was one ride where we got to drive cars. Now, for Daddy that's not a big deal because I drive all the time, but it was still pretty fun.
No hands on the wheel and taking a selfie while driving, why not?
Near the end of the ride, you're supposed to slow down so as not to ram the person in front of you. However, Al decided to see what that lever on the side of the car does. What it does is make the car go faster than you can by stepping on the gas pedal. If you're at a dead stop when you do this, the car lunges forward and in the case of Alex, slams into the car in front. So Al got the stink eye from the lady. I lol'd. We had such a great time walking around the park which was totally empty. We didn't have to stand in lines at all, all day. Most of the rides we just got right on, and a lot of them they let us ride multiple times.
One of  the rides Alex wanted to go on was the Drop Zone. However, after standing there looking up at it he said, "Dad I'm not so sure." So we decided to pass. After some time, I got a call from Mr. Grobbel who wanted to get our groups together. Our groups met up when Al, Will, and Gabe were on the Grizzly.
The Grizzly
Nancy and Marie Claire asked me if we went on Drop Zone and  I said that we had chosen to pass. They insisted that I ride with him while you guys were on the Grizzly, so I did. It was totally awesome! We rode it three times in a row. Nancy asked me why we had chosen to pass and I said that Alex looked a little squeamish. She said, with complete confidence, "I'll get him on it." And she did!
Pictured: Nancy winning
Driving boats

It was a wonderful day with the 8th grade class. Everyone just had the best time, including the chaperons! We were about to head out of the park, but we decided we needed some souvenirs first. Alex bought a Batman shirt, under my direction that may have been a little bit too big for him. In other words, I got a new shirt and bought a shot glass for $1! Even after being there all day I really believe we could have stayed another 12 hours and still not run out of things to do. It was so much fun. We loaded back onto the bus and began our long ride home. By the time we got home, everyone was tired and ready for bed. we drop Gabe off at home and went home and went to sleep. The next day was a school day, and I was wondering how many kids would actually show up. I was stunned to see that everyone showed! I will truly miss this class of kids. You guys just get along so well and have so much fun together. I hope, Alex, when you look back on this day and these kids you remember how great they were. I know I will. I love you guys,


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