Monday, April 13, 2015

Midway of Fun!

Hey kids.
Daddy here. We have may traditions in the Mansfield house. One of my favorites is the attendance of the Midway of Fun at the Mt Shasta Mall parking lot. When I was a kid, Tutu used to say to me, when she saw carnival rides in a parking lot, "Those rides will kill you!" and I never got to go on them. Well, we've been going to the midway for the last few years and no one has been killed yet. One of the years we went, we saw the Hiners there, so now I always ask Mr. Hiner to meet us there.
Nancy & Izzy
We got the all you can ride wristbands and started out our day of fun with some swing action for the boys.

Izzy was not convinced about the swing, so she started off with the spinney dragon ride.

I like how in the above pic that Alex is pointing out another ride to Nancy, while they're on this ride. Another big hit of the day was the slide.

What you cannot see in the above pic, is that Jake started off behind and elbowed Nancy in the chest to gain his spot. I promptly deducted 5 points for unnecessary roughness and awarded the win to Nancy. 

This ride Alex and Nancy tried to go on and the guy said, "We're closed for right now, someone threw up on the ride." LOL. They did open it up later and the big kids went on it and had a great time. All in all, I'm gonna say it was another successful trip to the Midway, and more importantly, no one died. Just another fun weekend with good friends. I love you guys,


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