Hey kids.
Daddy here. I don't think I've enjoyed a Monday as much as I do today in a long time. This weekend was insane!. Friday night, Alex, Jake, Doc, Nathan, & I all went to the XRyderz1 motocross event in Red Bluff. I love that we can hang out with those guys on such short notice now because they live so close. It was great.

The next morning, Jake's first soccer game in the tournament was scheduled for 8 a.m. at the Soccer Park. The game ended up being a tie. A tie is the most unsuccessful feeling ever. A tie is like kissing your sister. No closure, can't move on, a stinking tie. Anyway, after the game we headed home to clean the house since it was ransacked. After a bit, Alex and I had to head to Corpus Cristi practice at church. As it turned out, there was not a practice because the priests were in Sacramento watching the ordination of the new priests. Grrr. We went to get a cheeseburger and then headed home. A few hours later, we headed back to the Soccer Park for Jake's second game. They ended up losing, but Jake did very good as goalie. We then headed to Chico to visit my cousin Nancy, whom we hadn't seen in about 10 years. We met her and her husband Jeff at the racetrack and visited few minutes before heading to Chili's for lunch. Jake did not want to go to Chili's but we realized why when we got there. He thought you had to order chili. LOL.

We had an awesome visit with Nancy and took her back to the racetrack and headed out of town. On our way, we had to drive right by the street where the Clickners live, so we decided to stop in for an impromptu visit. Izzy went to the door, rang the doorbell and said, "Girl Scout cookies for sale." Nathan stared at her with his mouth open and couldn't believe we had stopped in for a visit. We stayed for about an hour and then finally headed home. We got coverage for the 11:00 Mass since we had too much to do in the morning. By the time we got home, everyone was exhausted and crashed as soon as we got there.
Sunday morning started with Alex's canoe practice at 7:30 a.m. Jake's final soccer game of the tournament was at 10:30 and we had someone coming to look at the house at 10. Good thing we cleaned yesterday. I dropped Mom and Jake off at the Soccer Park and Izzy and I went to go get Alex. We picked up Alex at the boat ramp and headed back to the Soccer Park. The game that was to follow was the most epic goalie performance I have ever seen! Jacob, son, you blew me away with your skills and dedication. You are awesome! Unfortunately, your team scored exactly 0 goals and ended up losing 1-0. It was still pretty awesome to watch though. We got back to the van, and Moya wouldn't start. Mom and Jake got a ride home from Miss Mara and brought the red car back and picked us up. We went home and relaxed for about an hour before Mom had to take Jake and Iz to Sean's birthday party at Rare Air trampoline park. After the party, it was back home, showering, and getting dressed for church at 5:30. After church, we all went downstairs and had dinner with the youth group. Father George and Father Lawrence also came down and have dinner with us. With our bellies full, we headed home. Everyone went to bed, wiped out from exhausting weekend. We'll see what adventures the following week brings. As Alex starts swim classes in the morning. Even with all this craziness and insanity, I'm glad to share my life with Mom and you guys. It'll all work out okay, I'm confident. I love you guys,