Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pros & Joes

Hey kids,

Daddy here. Every year, there's a BBQ competition in downtown Redding, called the Pro's and Joe's. The last few years, the boys have started to come with me and a new tradition has been born. It's a great opportunity for us to hang and have some great BBQ. Our favorite dish this year was the "Pig Shot" from the Grill-billy's.

They also had a "Moink" which is a bacon wrapped meatball and we got a koozie too. We had pork sliders, ribs, chicken and a bunch of combinations of all of those things and more. It was  awesome to hang out and have some great BBQ. We took a photo at the photo booth, and got a funnel cake to take home for Mom. I'm proud to say it made it all the way home intact!. I love you guys,


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