Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekend recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. We had another great weekend with the Mansclan. Friday, Alex Jake and I all went to Chico to spend the night at the Clickners. I love that they live close enough for us to be able to drive down to hang on a Friday. It was a short trip, but a good trip. We hung out for a little bit on Saturday, had some lunch and headed home.  Izzy had a ballet performance on Saturday evening, so we had to be home in time for that. Al and Jake stayed home and I went to pick up Cory. We met Mom, Kristen, Izzy and Mackenzie at the event.

When it was time for is Iz and Mackenzie's part of the show I got very excited to watch her dance. I'm so proud of you for your dancing Iz, you do such a great job and I always love watching you.

  After the recital, I was starving and wanted to go get a cheeseburger. We dropped the girls off at home and went to CR Gibbs. Cory knew the manager so we got a big discount on a bill, which is always awesome. We stopped and got ice cream for you guys on the way home because the girls put on such a great performance. We got Al his very own pint of Ben and Jerry's for watching all the kids.

We decided it had been too long since we watch the movie Top Gun, so we fired up Netflix and watched. It's still just as awesome. The next day was the Taste of Redding, so Mom and I went to do a remote and enjoy some food and some beer.  Scott Schoffner was there so needless to say there was plenty of laughter. After a few hours in the hot sun, Mom and I decided we had enough. We lazed around the house until bedtime and it was awesome. A great way to finish the weekend. I love you guys,

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