Monday, July 6, 2015

Daddy's Day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's Father's Day again. I'm hoping not to have a recap of the amputation of finger last year. Grammie and Papa invited us out to the houseboat so Saturday morning we got up, got all of our stuff together, and headed out to the lake. I'm so very glad that we live in an area that has a lake and that Grammie and Papa have a houseboat. It was a whole weekend of kicking back, relaxing, and having fun. I'm pleased to announce that my losing streak at bolo is over as I won all the games I played this weekend!!

Sunday was Father's Day and Papa, Uncle Seth, Uncle J, and I and all of our kids celebrated at the lake. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. So often, we're running around and so busy with our time that a nice lazy weekend out on the lake is the perfect cure. I love swimming with you guys, playing bolo, sitting by the fire, and just talking. We're very lucky to have such a wonderful opportunity to be together with our family. Mama made Papa and I a beer cake. Which sounds like a cake made out of beer but it isn't it's just three levels of Bud Light cans, lol. I got a gift card fom Mom and I'm going to use it to get a Hulk t-shirt and a Ravager t-shirt! The reason I get to celebrate Father's Day it's because of you guys. I love you guys,

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