Monday, July 6, 2015

Coast Trip

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This is what our forecast looks like for the week.


Having seen that, Mom decided to take you guys to the coast for a few days with the Clickners and the Orricks. On Tuesday, when I got off of work, I got an invitation to go to the Redding Colt 45 game with Kristen, Cory, Mackenzie and Andrew. It was hot as hell but I decided a hot night out at the baseball park is still a pretty darn good night. 

We said we weren't going to stay for the whole game as it was hot and the kids were a little rowdy. Spoiler alert: We stayed for the whole baseball game. The Colt 45's managed to win the game and at one point got back to back homeruns! I had a great time even in the hot weather. I'm glad to have great friends like the Reagans. Wednesday, after work, I went to Walmart to pick up Alex's money and bought a steak while I was there. I had a nice, quiet evening of playing Batman. I do love the quiet but after a day or two I actually miss the chaos. I look forward to seeing you guys when you get home tomorrow. I love you guys,

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