Daddy here. Summer vacation is now is full swing and the late nights, video games and sleepovers are in effect. Thursday night, Izzy spent the night with the Warrens. Friday night, Jake spent the night at Sage's house while Alex and I watched Arrow. On Saturday, Mom and I got up and got to work on our construction project, a stand up cooler. I know I've mentioned it before, but I sure do love spending time with Mom building stuff and just generally being together. Later in the day we had a ton of errands to run. We had to take Rudy to get a haircut and a bath, we had lunch at Shasta burger, we had to pick up Thomas and a gift card for Tyler before his birthday party. We did manage to get it all done and even got Thomas and Al to Tyler's birthday party on time. Then, Mom Jake Iz and I headed to Waterworks park with the Warrens. We rode some slides, Jake got an ice cream cone the size of his head, and we had a great time.

On Sunday, we had a very special Mass at church. One of our seminarians from a few years ago had become ordained and delivered his first Mass at Saint Joseph. Also, Alex Estrella was back as a Deacon. I always think it's very neat when we see a young priest like Father Michael. It makes me very excited for the future of the priesthood to see a young guy so excited about the faith. After Mass, we headed across the street for a little reception where everyone could talk to father Michael and get a nice family blessing. When it was our turn, Father Michael talked to us for a few minutes and then said to gather around for a blessing. After a blessing as we started to walk away he touched Jake on the shoulder and said "Stay out of trouble." Jake looked at me, shocked and said, "Dad, how did he know?" I said, "He's closer to God, he just knows". Lol. We headed back home and after an exhausting few days had a nice relaxing easy lazy Sunday. Love, love, love the lazy Sunday. It really does wonders to charge my battery and get me ready for the next week of work. I love you guys and I love spending time with you,
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