Hey kids,
Daddy here. 239 years ago America declared itself an independent country from Britain. Today, we commemorate that momentous occasion by eating hot dogs and watching fireworks. Our founding fathers wanted a better life for future generations. It's important to remember all that they have given and all our military men and women have given over the years to build this great nation for us. So, in traditional Mansfield style, we headed to Dan and Janice's house in Oroville for our celebration of the 4th of July with the Clickners in the Orricks. This year, there would be a burger making competition. As a contestant, mom wanted to brush up on her skills so she made us a test burger on Friday night. It was out of this world fantastic. On Saturday, we had to pick up a few quick things before we left and Izzy and I went to the store.
As much as I love spending time with you guys sometimes it sure is nice to have alone time with one of you. I love it when we get to go places together Izzy. I love spending time with, just you and I. So we loaded up Moya and headed down the road to Oroville. All in all, we had a great time. There was the incident where Nathan was spitting at Alex in the pool. Alex asked him to stop. He did not. So, Alex put him in a headlock, and dunked his head under water a few times to teach him a lesson. At which point, Nathan freaked out and threw a giant hissy fit like a little girl. That kid has got to learn to toughen up. Mom and I thought it was hilarious. For the burger judging contest, the judges were Doc, Dan, and Alex. When all was said and done, Mom decimated the competition! Brenda came in second and Nathan 3rd. I had a hunch that Mom would win. We had some burgers, we flew some sparklers and visited with our friends. It was a great time. Although, Jake does owe me a game of pool. As per standard, we ended up staying longer than expected and didn't get home till after 1 o'clock in the morning. Alex and Jacob had to alter serve on Sunday at 9 a.m. As you can imagine, we were all pretty tired. Nonetheless, we still made it to Mass on time and you guys did a great job serving. After Mass we came home, and had a nice relaxing easy Sunday. There's something about a nice long three day weekend that doesn't make the sting of going back to work on Monday nearly as bad. I look forward to our next adventure. I love you guys, daddy
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