Daddy here. RIVER BOWL XIII!!! Every year Shasta High School and Enterprise High have a football game that for that last 23 years has been called the River Bowl. Mom and I have been talking about going for years, and now that we have a high school kid, we have to go. Fearing they would sell out, I went to Shasta on Friday and got our tickets.
Shasta had not won the River Bowl since 2011 so Al and I were a bit nervous after spending $24 for our shirts.
Oh, nm, lol. Final score 63-21. They let the 4th quarter run continuously due to the blowout. I can't wait till next years event which will be at Shasta.
Saturday, Mom, the Reagans, and I had tickets to see Zac Brown in Wheatland. I was totally excited! We stopped in Chico for dinner at Tres Hombres and had a fantastic meal. We had a laughter filled ride to the show and took our seats on the grass.
Cory and I rented lawn chairs for all of us and paid $11.50 for one tall can. $11.50?! Well, I guess that's concert prices for ya. It was still a great show. We got back late, dropped the Reagans off and headed home to bed.
Sunday morning brings Mass. After which we headed home for a little football, a few cold ones and trying to wrap our head around next week. I love you guys.
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