Daddy here. Mom was out of town this weekend at Sara's 40th birthday party, so it was Daddy in charge (which is always a fun time). Friday night, we got the Mansfield standard, Cap'n Chad pizza from Papa Murphy's. We watched some of Edge of Tomorrow and after Jake and Iz went to bed, Al and I watched Mad Max. IT WAS AWESOME!!
On Saturday morning we went to pray the Rosary with some members of our church outside because father George always says public prayer is more powerful than private. We prayed the joyful mysteries and then the sorrowful mysteries and Jake even led us on one of the decades. I was so proud of you, SteveO. Leading all of us in prayer was very powerful for me and for others. At the end, Father George thanked us all for coming, especially the young and the old whom are the closest to God. I was glad to be considered part of the first group, lol.
We left St Joes and headed to Target to pick up a few things we needed. I owed Alex and Jake a Starbucks for an A they had gotten and Izzy agreed to keep her room clean so she got one too.
Later in the afternoon, we went to see Goosebumps the movie. On our way out the door, Izzy asked me if she looked good in her big sunglasses. I said, "You look like Audrey Hepburn." She spun around and yelled, "I'M NOT AUDREY HEPBURN!!" I told her that Audrey Hepburn was very pretty. She smiled, "I'm Audrey Hepburn."
The movie was good and we had a great time. We headed home to get all ready for the annual Fall Festival at school. We took a quick stop by the Reagan's house so Kristin could do Izzy's makeup first. Izzy went as a kitty cat, Jake went as Spider-man and Al went as the most terrifying thing of all, A TRUE 49ER FAN!!
As I was not in the mood to get all the Halloween stuff down from the garage, I let you guys bring the recyclable grocery bags for candy bags, thinking they'd be waaay to big. Nope! I did not consider Al, who filled his almost a quarter of the way full and Jake and Iz had nearly as much as well. All told, we made it home with like 8 pounds of candy! It's not even Halloween yet! As the night drew to a close, we grabbed Mackenzie and swung into Little Caesars for some to go dinner and headed back home with the Reagans to hang for a bit. Alex fell asleep in our bed in about 5 minutes, Izzy and Mack played in her room, Cory fell asleep on the couch in 5 minutes and Kristin, Andrew and I watched the Nightmare Before Christmas. Once sleep started to get the better of all of us, I sent Jake and Al to their beds and Izzy to my bed, the Reagans headed home and I conked out finally after a long, awesome day.
Sunday morning the boys alter served and for the first time in a long time, I was able to just observe the Mass. Father George talked about the blind man Bartamaeus and his struck a chord with me as Father George often does. After Mass, we headed down to Chico to party with the Clickner's for Lily's 3rd birthday. Mom was supposed to meet us there, but she wasn't feeling well so she said she'd just meet us at home. Later in the day, Doc, Al, and I took a man break and went to the Graduate to grab a beer and chat for a few. I love, Al, that you come and hang with the men now. We stayed till about 7 and finally headed home. We got home and told mom all about our weekend and she told us about hers. We all crashed and prepared for another busy week the Mansfield house. I love you guys,
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