Thursday, November 10, 2016

A crash in the night

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Last night, Mom was awoken to a terrible sound in the middle of the night. She sat up, wondering what it was and a minute or so later, Jake came in to tell us that the bed had collapsed!!

What!? I had no idea that could even happen. Luckily, everyone was okay. In fact, Alex even slept through the whole ordeal! Mom actually had to go in there and physically shake him to wake him up to tell him that the bed had collapsed. So you guys slept on the couch that night and we ordered new beds. This time, we decided to get full over full so you guys would have room to grow into the beds. They seem to be working out pretty great so far.

There's never a dull moment around Casa de Mansfield. I'm glad you guys were both okay. I love you,


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