Monday, November 21, 2016

Halloween 2016

Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's Halloween time again, and for the first time is quite a few years, we are not going to the Fig's neighborhood. We have our own awesome neighborhood to trick or treat in. Before the night, (which was Monday this year, ugh) there was the Fall Festival at school. Mom, Jake and Iz all dressed up and went to the Festival and Alex and I stayed home.

When it was time for Trick or Treating, despite the fact that it was raining pretty hard, Mom, Jake, Iz and I headed out.

We saw some cool costumes and met some nice people. A couple houses had their garages decorated up like haunted houses. We got to one and there was a G rated side and a PG side. Izzy was scared to go to the PG, so her and I went thru the G rated and when we got done, she said, "Really Dad? That was it?" So, we went through the PG side and she was sufficiently scared, lol. We knew the Lemos' live around the area, but were not sure where exactly their house was. We decided to hit 1 more place and head home, since we were all getting pretty wet. I went back to get the van and wouldn't you know it, they found the Lemos' house! With our bags full of candy, we headed home to dry and have a bit of candy before bed. When we opened the garage door, Jake found a friend.

Tomorrow is Tuesday and the week continues for the MansClan. I love you guys,


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