Thursday, November 16, 2017


Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's been a few weeks so I figured it's time for a catch up. Since last I posted Alex has had two of his three lessons necessary to get his driver's license and has even passed some of his knowledge on to the foof.

The football season is now over, and Shasta went eight and one on the year only losing to Damonte Ranch from Oregon and their quarterback is going to Notre Dame. They play again on Friday in the playoffs and I can't wait.

You guys are starting to help out around the house more and more and I appreciate that.  Foof helps mom cook and Alex helps me cook. There's a new restaurant / Brewery in town called Final Draft Brewing Company. Alex and I love going there after football.

The choir had a concert and sing some songs we actually knew. We went to pick up a few things at Costco and this happened.

The Kansas City Chiefs screwed up their perfect season so Dean shaved his beard.

This was Jake and my response.

We went camping for a few days in Hat Creek with Grammy and Papa, James Amy and Henry.

One day I had to take Izzy to Jazz class, but we had time to kill first so she came to the radio station and help me co-host my show.

The Fall Festival happened at school and Luke Shofner dressed up as a punk rocker, but I told him he look like Sid Vicious.

We went to Chico to visit the Clickners for Lily's birthday party and the boys and I got to sneak out and go to BWW.

We even had a burn day where Papa came over and we burn all that pile of garbage in our backyard. Jake even got to start the fire with one of Papa's flares.

Lots of laughs, lots of great adventures. I love you guys,

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's time once again for the West Coast monster truck Nationals. We got VIP tickets again this year, but Rudy and Patrick couldn't go so Jake just had to go and be my buddy for the night. Poor Jake. Alex got to bring Gabe. It was a good time like always. We were hoping for a little more flipping and crashing then we got.

You made a point to head out before the final event so we wouldn't have to fight traffic on the way home. Gabe says, "Watch on our way out one's going to finally flip over." And wouldn't you know, once we were about halfway to the car we hear this crazy noise coming from the stadium and we watch on the monitors how a monster trucks finally flipped over. We all kind of just rolled her eyes and we're like, "Oh well dude we still had fun." We headed back home and crashed. Sunday was pretty low-key, we just did some chores and got the house cleaned up and mom felt we work hard enough around the house that she made us this for dinner.

The girls watched some TV in our room and the boys watched some arrow and Flash in the front room. Tomorrow is a back at work day and we'll see what the next adventure brings. I love you guys, Daddy

Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well this weekend was awesome! Friday night, it was Alex's first football game. Mom and I went and we think we saw Ian Zering in the crowd! Shasta won by a huge margin, I think they're going to have a good season.

Saturday night, the boys and I went over to Kerry and Casey's house to watch the McGregor fight. Demi Lovato sang the National Anthem and it look like she stepped out of the shower to do so. Then her bottom lip was quivering like a scared Chihuahua. Very strange.  The fight was too much boxing and not enough MMA but like we figured, Mayweather won that fight. Although the fight between Barker and the pepper shaker after the event was almost just as good.

Sunday evening as we were getting ready to for another work week when we noticed a little too much fuzz on Alex's cheek and the boy had to shave for the first time.

We were helping him apply the shaving cream and he was like, "Dad how do I do this?" And I'm like "How should I know, look at me!" But he managed to get it done and now has a nice smooth shave. I can't believe I'm at the stage where my son is shaving. Another fun weekend in the books. More Adventures to come soon. I love you guys,

Monday, August 21, 2017

Weekend Recap

 Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend, mom and I had big plans. So, Friday night we took you guys out to the houseboat and dropped you off. We then headed back home and stopped at Mod on the way to get some dinner. Saturday morning, bright and early we headed out for Sarah and Dean's. After a few minutes of chit-chatting we got on the road. We stopped at a place in Marysville called Pietro's for lunch. It was really good!

 If we ever have a chance to get down there we should definitely make that a priority. I'm very glad DeanO was driving because traffic in the city is absolutely miserable. But thanks to his astute driving skills, we made it to the hotel just fine. As Dean is a platinum member with a Holiday Inn they kept referring to him as Mister Powers, so we started doing that too.

After Mr. Powers arranged an Uber for us we hopped in Donald's car and headed to the stadium. Or at least try to as Mom, Sarah, and I wouldn't fit in the back and I had my foot out the door while my man Donald started driving and I was literally pedaling along with my foot on the ground! Come on Donald!

Anyway, we got to the game and walked through the Sea of Tailgaters.

We got all checked in and went to our seats, grabbing a beer on the way.

We could see the field just fine despite the fact that DeanO said we were in the nosebleed section.

We had an absolutely wonderful time. Even though this clown sat right in front of me.

The Niners played like absolute garbo but we still had a blast. Mom even got a shirt from the T-Shirt cannon!

We ended up walking back to the hotel because it was faster then taking an Uber with 5247321 cars on the road. We didn't get to bed till after midnight kind of, which is late for us old people. Sunday morning we got up and made our way back to Sarah and Dean's after getting breakfast at this place called Bill's.

With our bellies full we've got on the road. We dropped off Sarah and Dean and Mom and I headed home. I picked you guys up at the lake, thanked Papa, and headed for the house. Another great weekend adventure comes to an end. Next weekend is the Mayweather McGregor fight, so I'm sure we'll do something fun. I love you guys,


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

1st Day of School 2017

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well it's that time of year again where it's too hot to talk, but it's time to go back to school.

I can't believe Alex has more high school behind him than in front, Jake is in his last year at St Joes and Izzy is already in the fourth grade! I tell you guys it goes faster than you think. I just hope you enjoy your time with your friends, teachers and coaches while you can. Next thing you know you'll all be out. This weekend mom and I are going to the Forty Niner game with Sarah and Dean! So that's enough excitement to get me through the week. I love you guys,



Hey kids,
Daddy here. Christmas Eve 13 years ago, we were sitting around the old house with Grammy and Papa and just having a few laughs and talking. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Alex, all of three years old, Jake all of eight months old and I ran to the door. We open the door and there was no one there but there was a basket on the front porch holding the greatest Christmas present we've ever got, Rudy.

Alex freaked out and screamed,  "A DOG!!" I was completely at a loss for words, and so excited. I asked Alex what we should name him and he said Rudolph because Santa had delivered him. So I said how about we call him Rudy. For the last 13 years he's been a member of our family. Sometimes he frustrated us, sometimes he made us laugh but he was always ours.
Today, we had to say goodbye. I was hoping so much that he would live just a few years longer, but I knew this day would come eventually.

Thankfully, Papa was available to take him in. Mom always leaves first so she got to say goodbye first. Jake, Izzy, and I said our goodbyes when we left.

 And when Papa came over to take him in, Alex had his chance to say goodbye. I wish I could spare you guys from pain like this, but Rudy was in pain too. He doesn't hurt anymore. He gets to be with his family and a better place.

 I'm getting choked up writing this so I'm just going to say that he will be missed, sorely. He was a good boy. I love you guys,


Friday, August 11, 2017

Dad and Dude day-SteveO version

Hey kids,
Daddy here. One of my favorite about Dad and dude day is doing what you guys want. Steve-O wanted to go hit some mini golf

 and the video game store

 and the batting cages

 and the pool table
, even the movies! We saw War for Planet of the Apes. I'm pleased to say we were able to get everything on Jake's list crossed off. It was a great day. I love you Steve-O, Daddy

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dad and Dude Day-Al version

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Round two of the Dad and Dude day was for Al. Al and  I went to the movies and saw Atomic Blonde.

It was totally awesome! We were starving so we headed over to Dill's to get a Dirty Pig.

After lunch we hit the links and played 9 holes at Allen's Golf Course and I let Al drive the cart.

I have not played golf in so many years at Alex and I had an absolute blast.

Even if we didn't do so well.

We have to keep going back though if we plan to hit the Marilyn Monroe house in Hawaii next time we go. It was a full day and totally awesome, I hope we do this even when you're grown up dude. I love you Al,
