Thursday, November 16, 2017


Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's been a few weeks so I figured it's time for a catch up. Since last I posted Alex has had two of his three lessons necessary to get his driver's license and has even passed some of his knowledge on to the foof.

The football season is now over, and Shasta went eight and one on the year only losing to Damonte Ranch from Oregon and their quarterback is going to Notre Dame. They play again on Friday in the playoffs and I can't wait.

You guys are starting to help out around the house more and more and I appreciate that.  Foof helps mom cook and Alex helps me cook. There's a new restaurant / Brewery in town called Final Draft Brewing Company. Alex and I love going there after football.

The choir had a concert and sing some songs we actually knew. We went to pick up a few things at Costco and this happened.

The Kansas City Chiefs screwed up their perfect season so Dean shaved his beard.

This was Jake and my response.

We went camping for a few days in Hat Creek with Grammy and Papa, James Amy and Henry.

One day I had to take Izzy to Jazz class, but we had time to kill first so she came to the radio station and help me co-host my show.

The Fall Festival happened at school and Luke Shofner dressed up as a punk rocker, but I told him he look like Sid Vicious.

We went to Chico to visit the Clickners for Lily's birthday party and the boys and I got to sneak out and go to BWW.

We even had a burn day where Papa came over and we burn all that pile of garbage in our backyard. Jake even got to start the fire with one of Papa's flares.

Lots of laughs, lots of great adventures. I love you guys,

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